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Articles about how Bill Gothard mishandles the Bible to support his legalistic viewpoint.

Personal testimonies of finding true freedom through God's matchless grace.

Living and thriving through the grace of God.

Stories and accounts of the destruction caused by the teachings of Bill Gothard.

Category Archives: What Now? Life After ATI

A Look at Family Relationships

7 September 2011, 06:30



An idea came to mind as I read posts on here about the difficulty of interacting with parents, and of spouses having to help unpack the past. My wife and I did an intimacy study, and one of the steps that many couples had difficulty with was the tension created when we mapped out our […]


31 August 2011, 06:30



I’m afraid that most of my life I’ve carried the belief that resolving life’s circumstances was the way life ultimately was supposed to be lived out. The logical conclusion of this was that seeking to resolve life’s desires, either in a particular course of action or inaction, seemed a good goal. The Christian version of […]

Giving up on the Apprenticeship Life

24 August 2011, 06:30



First, I wanted to acknowledge that any article that critiques an experience, by nature, opens the door for those who feel differently to claim that the author is bitter and/or just needs to move past the experience he or she writes about. My intention in writing this article is not to vilify ATI or Bill […]

Breaking Free

10 August 2011, 07:00



They were raised in a normal America. They had children and then, in reaction to the symptoms of societal misdeeds, they were drawn to an organization (the Institute in Basic Life Principles) that held a checklist of answers to life’s every question. (clothing, hair style, vocabulary, music, activities, toys, pets,education, culture, friendships, dating, marriage, raising children, […]


2 August 2011, 15:00



Church is always an emotional landmine for me. I enter the sanctuary, wary and on guard. Fearful the smallest, most innocuous phrase will bring tears to my eyes and block my voice. Things most Christians take for granted and don’t give a second thought, send me over the edge. Certain events often bring on inappropriate emotional […]

My Tower Won’t Reach!

27 July 2011, 06:00



tower of good works

MY FAMILY JOINED THE ADVANCED TRAINING INSTITUTE (ATI) IN 1986 when I was 13 years old. Drinking in the false definition of grace brought me to the belief that to maintain favor with God, I needed to live by a particular set of “standards.”  As with many other Institute in Basic Life Principles (IBLP) teachings, […]