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Tag Archives: formula

Life Isn’t a Role-Playing Game: Part Two

19 August 2013, 06:00



This is Part Two of a three-part story. Click here to read Part One. During my early high school years, I was very blessed to find an incredible youth group with leaders who valued relationships over rules and encouraged guys and girls to know each other more intimately as friends instead of remaining isolated from […]

The Gospel of Pragmatism

9 May 2013, 06:00



Pragmatism is basically the idea that positive results are sufficient criteria for determining value, even truth. In other words: if it works, use it. One of the most famous pragmatists was a man known as Nicollo Machiavelli. For Machiavelli, the goal of a strong and controlled kingdom was worth whatever it would take to get […]

When the Formula Fails

1 June 2012, 06:00



The Wall Imagine yourself in a tunnel facing a wall that appears to seal off the tunnel. Your goal is to get through the tunnel to the other side but the wall is in your way. Fortunately, you have learned that the wall moves as you push it. You begin to push the wall down […]

The Formula Problem: Why Duggarizing Your Marriage is Not Recommended

9 March 2012, 06:00



Baking is one of my favorite pastimes.  I make a killer banana bread.  I love baking cookies and many times, like Marie Barone, bake a cake just because.  I follow recipes very closely but always add vanilla even if it is not called for.  I can follow those recipes to the letter for one simple […]

We Must Not Be Trying Hard Enough

8 December 2011, 06:05



If I had come across a site like Recovering Grace five years ago, I would have surfed on. For one thing, ATI wasn’t a part of my life any more. Sure, I knew of a few families that had imploded after several years of ATI, but then, they were kind of dysfunctional to begin with. […]