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Greetings, everyone. It’s been an exciting week as we launched the website just over eight days ago. We here on the leadership team of RG are really praying that this site would make a difference in hearts and minds. We thought we’d take a moment to share with you some statistics as well as some ways you can help spread the word about Recovering Grace.
In the first 7 days, we had:
Obviously, a lot of these numbers are a little inflated because our website is new. However, we want you to know that there are three ways you can help spread the word:
Our website is designed to present a variety of perspectives on a variety of issues. Obviously there have been and will continue to be growing pains as we seek to build a website that fulfills equally our three objectives of warning, guiding, and teaching. We don’t want to have a site that is simply a place to air grievances about what is past. Sure, facing our pasts is part of the healing process, but we also desire to help people move forward in life. We need your thoughts and prayers as we seek to strike the proper balance in everything that we do.
Have a great week!
The RG Leadership Team
In the early 90's we had attended IBLP several times and having children of school age we were interested in Gothards ATIA program. We went to the training in Nashville and I was overwhelmed with the feeling that this was a cult! My husband was not as judgemental as me. He was of the belief you take what you want for your family and leave the rest behind.
I could not get past all the "rules" they wanted us to agree to! Ridiculous!!! How could praise choruses that were only scripture, put to music be wrong!
After about 6 months into the program we stopped because I could just not get past the "cult" feeling. We continued to homeschool for serval years and now have 3 grown, god-fearing, beautiful girls. This site makes me grateful we got out when we did!
What a great story of discernment, Renee!
Renee, that's awesome! I'm really grateful that my parents had a good grasp of balance. There was much about the program that was incredibly cultish and difficult, but my parents were always full of love. As I had questions and then decided to leave, as an adult, they were puzzled for awhile, but still supported me. And today, unlike so many families coming out of this program, I am blessed enough to be able to say that I am still very close to my parents and my siblings!
I am thrilled to discover this website through Midwest Christian Outreach's latest e-newsletter. I wasn't raised in ATI, although there were others in my church who were. However, I was raised with IBLP seminars and many of Bill Gothard's teachings and materials. I'm still working through the ways that it caused extensive damage in my life. Thank you for speaking out, for sharing the truth, and for showing me that I am not alone in this healing journey.
I appreciate your focus on moving forward. I also appreciate Curtd's comment. While we left ATI 10 years ago (after 7 years) we have one child who just can't seem to move forward, even though we've confessed, repented and "reformed" from the legalism, perfectionism, performance-ism, mentality long ago. Parents will make mistakes and not all that were involved in ATI had "abuses" committed against them. Some were simply the mistakes of parenting that Darcy humbly spoke of in one of her posts. I would like to think we should be cautious to not generalize as that could lead to some thinking they were in a specific generality just because of vague similarities. Many of us, as parents, were simply seeking the best way of raising our children who we so dearly love and, in our youthful ignorance believed what made sense to us until we gained knowledge of the Scriptures and a little good ol' on the job experience that, unfortunately, takes time. In the end, the wisdom gained by these experiences makes for some good counsel to others. Blessings and Grace to all!
My family was in ATI for 2-3 years after years of my parents being enamoured with IBLP and the Advanced Seminar. We were also in a spiritually abusive church for 2 1/2 years that exalted IBLP and ATI. We left 6 years ago after discovering how the church leaders were using the "Principles" and our good intentions to manipulate us into letting them run our lives, and realizing that in our pursuit of "Godly standards", we were alienating the family and friends who loved us most.
I've gradually been rebuilding my life and discovered RG just last month. So much of this site resonates with me, as I used to devour the IBLP booklets as a teen. Your explanation of Gothard's twisted Scriptures is very clear, and it's amazing that even years after leaving, I'm still correcting parts of my thinking that can be traced back to something completely irrational that I heard or read back then. Reading your stories, it's comforting to know that this process can take a while! I'm also encouraged to know that I can take the time I need to learn how to let God back into my life.
Regarding moving on, I think awareness is the first step in recovering, meaning being active in picking out false beliefs and honest in how they affected us emotionally, so that we can correct them, although when and how everyone does that may be different, and we may reach different conclusions too. The articles here, though, are definitely a part of what's helping me do that. Thanks to the RG team for the work that you do, and to all who share their stories on this site for their honesty and humility. You guys are a treasure!