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When I was 19 I worked for two years to save up enough money to go to Moscow, Russia. I went with the home school program I was involved in, the Advanced Training Institute (ATI) and I worked hard.
Much to my surprise I was quickly singled out as someone with bad intentions. One of the leaders, Mrs “X”, assumed I was looking for a guy and I was regularly accused of having a “sensual attitude” (also known as being pretty). The norm for ATI girls was to have long hair but I was asked to cut mine or wear it in a bun at all times because the length brought attention to my bust. I was accused of trying to seduce the young men but that could not be proven. I was then accused of listening to rock music in secret, again with no proof. At this point Mrs “X” decided I must be seducing the girls. The witch hunt began. My friends were questioned and every.little.thing was pieced together. Indiscretions, silliness and lies. These all came together in one giant flaming ball of “proof” that I was a rebel and leading basically the entire girls floor down the path of destruction.
With one month left of my time there I was put on lock-down and not allowed to leave the training center for any reason. I had the least desirable of jobs with no company. I was humiliated and put in solitary confinement and had to spend a week in a room by myself finding scriptures outlining what I had done wrong and why it was wrong. All this with very little explanation of what I had actually done. The only person I could see was the woman who hated me. I didn’t even get to say good-bye to one of my closest friends who left during that time.
What had I actually done that made them think I was seducing the girls? I had reached out to a girl that had been abused and she shared her story with me. I prayed with her and told her it wasn’t her fault. She loved me for being there for her (in a very pure and non sexual way). The Leadership thought surely there was something wrong with this friendship. By the time I left the MTC I was so broken and bitter I couldn’t even make eye contact with people. I thought the whole world saw me as evil. They actually had me convinced that I must have done something wrong to make them see me as so bad. I questioned the existence of God when people who professed Him could use their power so abusively.
Upon returning home I found that my parents had changed churches while I was gone to a Non Denominational church. To say it was different from the legalism I grew up in would be an understatement. This church believed in the power of God, and understood the real meaning of Grace. It was there that I came to really know God. Growing up I had always known (I thought) a lot about God and read the Bible. But I never had a real relationship Him. I learned about forgiveness and the love of God. I learned to love my enemies and pray for those that used me. It was still hard. Forgiveness when you have been hurt like I was, is a process. But forgiveness is like peeling an onion, there are lots of layers and as you peel you will probably cry (ha). I still had things come up (sometimes still do). As painful things would come to mind I had to identify why it hurt and who caused the pain. I know now that Satan wanted me to turn against Christ because of my treatment. The part that caused the most pain were the false accusations. So I just kept pushing through and asking God to give me the strength to forgive (there were several others in addition to Mrs. “X” that caused me much pain).
At one point in this journey I had coffee with a girl that I knew in Russia. I was passing through her town and she had written me this awesome encouraging note while I was in solitary confinement. She figured out what room I was in and left it under my pillow. It touched me and I wanted to tell her this. Toward the end of our conversation she mentioned that she had just seen Mrs “X”. the week before. She told me that Mrs “X” was devastated about the pain she caused in so many girls lives. She was just trying to follow the rules as they were explained to her. It’s a cold comfort I know BUT it helped me see her as a real person. Not some wicked stepmother to Cinderella. I contacted her and we had a great talk. In a crazy turn of events she ended up encouraging me about a situation I was going through with my parents.
Also at this time our church was holding retreats called Encounters–weekends to just get away and have a face to face encounter with God. I realize now that He was already preparing me for this. There were sessions focused solely on forgiveness. That was huge for me. There I gained the knowledge and ability to forgive.
Having a real relationship with God helped me choose to forgive. I continue to choose forgiveness. When I hear the story about Peter asking how often he should forgive and Jesus answers 70×7 (Matthew 18:21-22) I know that this is his will for me as well.
7 times 70 times I’ll do what it takes to make it right
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So thankful you've started this journey...it really is about layers and onions. :) (to quote shrek) I've had a similar one, but it is amazing how God surprises us and brings up back to him! :) Blessings to you on your continued journey.
Thank you for the reminder that the person on the other side of our hurt/frustration, is a person too, (more often than not) also broken, hurting, confused, etc.
I'm so glad for the healing God has brought and is continuing to bring to you. Thanks for sharing!!
"Having a real relationship with God helped me choose to forgive. I continue to choose forgiveness." So glad God has brought you to this point in your life and has enabled you to forgive. Forgiveness is all about choice. Thanks for sharing your story.
Some people equate forgiveness with forgetting. That's so not true. Anyone who has been deeply hurt knows that painful memories stick. They can't be willed away. Pray as we might, they aren't erased. Sadly, having decided that it's not possible to forget, many of us also mistakenly decide it's not possible to forgive at least when it comes to the big stuff.
"When we offer forgiveness to those who have no excuse ~~ and for things most of the world would consider unforgivable ~~ we become most like Jesus. Remember, he died for sins he never committed to forgive people who had no right to be forgiven. Maybe that's why it's such a big deal to him that we learn to forgive as we've been forgiven." Larry Osborne
Oh wow. I don't know how to put into words the emotions I had when I read how your church helped and encouraged you. I wish more churches would be that way; I hope our church is that way. I feel so bad for how wrongly you were mistreated. I'm struggling with some bitterness this morning and I guess the Lord knew I needed to read about your journey and be encouraged. Thanks for sharing!
Only in recent years have I become involved in the same type of church that you have described here. It has done wonders for chiseling away at those horrible bricks of pain and heaviness built by years of legalism and working hard to build my tower high enough to reach God. He is so good to have pulled me out of all that!
I'm intrigued by this idea of forgiveness. I haven't quite wrapped my mind around all that yet.
I'm really interested in Tammy's comment on forgiveness: "When we offer forgiveness to those who have no excuse ~~ and for things most of the world would consider unforgivable ~~ we become most like Jesus. Remember, he died for sins he never committed to forgive people who had no right to be forgiven. Maybe that's why it's such a big deal to him that we learn to forgive as we've been forgiven." Larry Osborne
Donna, In response to your comment "I'm intrigued by this idea of forgiveness. I haven't quite wrapped my mind around all that yet."
Forgiving isn't easy and often is a process that takes time. Perhaps it's so hard to forgive because we have the wrong idea of what forgiveness means and we don't really understand it. Often, I think we are afraid that if we forgive that we are somehow letting the offender(s) off the hook. And as I already mentioned in my earlier post; forgiveness is not forgetting what happened when it comes to the big stuff. Unless we've had a brain injury, we can all pretty much recall verbatim something traumatic and hurtful that happened to us whether it happened yesterday or ten years ago or longer. The stories written and told us on this RG website is one example of this truth.
See, that's the thing. I was taught that forgiveness is a 3-part system: 1)take them off my hook. 2) release them to God. 3) choose to remember (mull over) the offense no more. There are triggers or reminders throughout the day or week or month that will force the memories or feelings of hurt back that I try to bury, while "giving the situation to God," again and again. I've recently come to realize that maybe hurts and painful memories are to be used to drive us -or motivate us- into activity. ??? Kind of like a cancer survivor is obsessed with survivor walks, public speeches, charities, and such. I don't know... still thinking all this through. =)
Nice article, just a caution. Be careful with the "encounter" thing. Some are good and helpful, but some churches use them in manipulative and coercive ways.
[...] staff mother who informed me, “Mrs. Hall, I can tell that Diana came from a good home, but she’s fallen in with the wrong crowd.” I thanked her for warning me and was very worried, watching carefully to see who these young [...]
I have to disagree with forgiveness. This was an insidious part of my abuse. Think about what is said about people who can't/don't forgive: they're a bad person. This lays an additional burden on some victims, who feel they have to make themselves feel forgiving.
If forgiveness helps, that's great. I object to it being touted as a cure-all for everyone. For me, it was more pressure.
If you can't forgive, or don't want to forgive, that's okay too. Paths to healing are very personal.
Points well taken. There are a lot of misunderstandings on what forgiveness is. Forgiveness does not mean that one has to be "buddy buddy" with the perp, but it is releasing that person(s) unto God, rather than harboring vengeful thoughts. Certainly persons need to be held accountable and even in some cases brought to court for their actions or neglect thereof. It appears that BG and the Gothardites do not want any kind of accountability.