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Then, through a bizarre series of events my closest friend and co-worker left the training center. This left me with extra work to do and completely alone.
I went to my “authorities” and let them know that I could not continue to be on staff the next year. I was asked to have a meeting with Mr. Gothard so that I could discuss this issue and we could figure out what was to happen next. During this meeting with Mr. Gothard I had people in and out of the office bring messages to him and asking him “important” questions. While I was talking he sat nodding off until I was so frustrated by the interruptions and his lack of attention that I began to cry. I was so tired of what seemed to be pretense of being concerned about people. Not being one to cry in public, I was embarrassed. I felt hope when Mr. Gothard patted my knee and told me that I was clearly burned out and tired and they would find someone else to take my position the next year.
For the next few months I was busy trying to find a replacement for my position. I found someone but she was “overweight” and not the right fit for the position. Frustrated, I realized that I was going to be pressured to stay. Sure enough, I was asked to reconsider leaving. Feeling trapped and without a choice, I laid out three conditions. They were all agreed to.
I was so conflicted at this point in my life. I had tried so hard to please God and nothing was going right. How could that be? God always blessed when you do what He wants you to, doesn’t He? Instead I felt judged and distant from Him. Yet I was doing all that my authorities asked of me. I knew as I went back that the only way I could survive my time there was to be the person they wanted me to be. So I plastered a smile over my breaking heart and threw myself into my work.
It did not take long to realize that once again I had been lied to. The director who agreed to my terms only met one of my conditions! The work load continued and I found myself agreeing to do things that were not ethical. I tried to “protect” those under me from a lot of those things and allow them the rest and freedoms that I wasn’t getting myself. I was, after all, their “authority” and it was my job to make sure my umbrella wasn’t leaking.
After years on staff, burned out, and betrayed by those closest to me, I hit a breaking point. Something was said about me that changed my reputation over night. I spent three days in my room, not eating, just crying. I was so low and in a fog that I couldn’t even figure out a way to kill myself. I am convinced that the fog was God’s protection of me because I couldn’t figure out how to commit suicide during those three days.
Every part of me was wrapped up in my work and the people around me. To not have their approval and the approval of those I tried desperately to please was devastating. To see all that I worked for laying in ashes at my feet was like seeing me dead. I had nothing to live for, and no hope of getting out. The third night I heard a knock at my door. I opened the door expecting yet another angry person, but what I saw was my friend who had left months before! She had business at the Training Center and had come by to see me. She took one look at me and said, “I don’t know what is going on, and I don’t want to know right now. Pack your bags, you are coming home with me tonight.” We left after 10 p.m. by the side door so no one would see me. I truly believe that she saved my life. Her family graciously opened their home and I lived with them for three months! They not only opened their home but also their hearts. At a time when I thought that no one cared, they showed me true sacrificial love. I can never begin to express or repay what that has continued to mean to me. I will always be grateful to them.
A few days into my stay with them I was able to figure out a little bit of what happened at the Training Center, and knew that there was no way I was going to go back there. I went back after 10 p.m. to clear out my office and write a resignation letter. I left it at the front desk and never looked back!
A few months later, I was sitting in the financial aid office at a Bible college. The financial aid officer saw something in me, broken as I was. She asked me to interview for the position as her assistant. I wasn’t interested in working with yet another ministry but I knew a job doesn’t just drop in your lap everyday! So I interviewed and got the job. I began a journey that allowed me to see that there were people that listened to rock music, wore pants and did other “worldly” things, but were people who truly loved God and lived to serve Him. Not like I did, concerned with the everyday and what things looked like to those around me. They truly loved God. I found myself healing and understanding what God’s grace looked like and how He loved me just because I was His child! I didn’t have to earn His favor and grace! It was a gift because I was His. My heart began to desire again to please Him–to find out what truly did please Him. Not because I had to, but because I could!
It was also during this time that I became familiar with a book called “A Matter of Basic Principles.” That book changed my life. I still had in the back of my mind that somehow I had failed God and was rebellious because things didn’t happen the way Mr. Gothard promised they would. I read the book with one finger in the footnotes. The sad thing was I knew the stories were true because almost each one had been a situation that I had been somewhat familiar with during my time at the Training Center. I began to understand that the teachings had really messed with my view of who God was. I began to truly see God’s true grace as a gift to me. I have grieved over the losses I experienced and began to process what was still holding me back from living a free life.
I can’t say that my life has been easy. My journey to healing began again this spring when I had a panic attack after seeing a booth at a home school convention. I joined an online support group and was told that I hadn’t processed, grieved, or repented over a pain-filled past. Through this process, I was able to try to make right a situation that bothered me from the past. I have grieved over the losses I experienced and began to process what was still holding me back from living a free life.
I’m married to a wonderful man who is not in ministry. We have two energetic, smart boys. We have survived two deployments to Iraq, four moves, and three job changes. I can claim that God has been faithful through the years and has been quick to show His heart and love for my family and for me!
Today, I feel like a weight has been lifted from my life. I know that God created me as an individual, and now I am on a quest to find out who that really is. Finding out what I enjoy doing, how I can serve Him now using my gifts and abilities. Not with the attitude that pleasing my authorities equals pleasing God. I am finding that my heart is awake and crying to please God again. The difference is, now I know I am.
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By JM, October 24, 2024Copyright © 2011-2023 Recovering Grace. All rights reserved. RecoveringGrace.org collects no personal information other than what you share with us. Some opinions on this site are not the opinions of Recovering Grace. If you believe copyrighted work to be published here without permission or attribution, please email: [email protected]
Grace, Thank you for sharing your story. I'm sure it was painful to rehash it in your mind as your wrote your story. I'm so glad that you have been set free from "gothardism" and are now experiencing true freedom in Christ. There is nothing like having a personal relationship with Him.
Don Venoit's book, "A Matter of Basic Principles," was also an eye opener to me and my family.
Your last two lines made me choke up. Thank you for sharing.
I really enjoyed your story Grace. Thank you for sharing. I lived at the training center for a while also and It is no surprise to me that those things happened. Even as an "LIT" I knew there was an attitude toward the cosmetology dept. What a wonderful friend you had to get you out of there! I am glad to hear that now, you are more than a survivor!
"I plastered a smile over my breaking heart and threw myself into my work" Your story sounds so familiar. I am so glad for happy endings. Wow... how blessed you were to have such a good friend that her family would rescue you from the slough of despondency you were living in.
God is good! I am so grateful for the people I have in my life! The best thing I took away from my time at the itc are the people I connected with! My friend that rescued me is still a precious friend today! I am more and more amazed at how God works - even when we don't understand what He is doing at the time! Some things I never will understand. A song lyric comes to mind, "When I don't understand, when I can't trace His hand, trust His heart." I wish I had remembered that when I was walking that road!
[...] Be Continued…. Click here for Part Two. Grace currently lives with her husband and children in the Midwest Featured ArticlePersonal [...]
Love you dear friend. So much.
There were first century leaders in Judaism and then some who turned to the Saviour but maintained their conviction that they could please God by what they could do rather than accepting fully what the Lord Jesus did on the cross, His burial and His resurrection for those who believe. To take a child or young person who has trusted our Lord as Saviour and teach them that work is what pleases God is not only not pleasing to God but addressed clearly in the book of Galatians in strong language. It was the Epistle to the Galatians that God used in Martin Luther's life to show him it is not a matter of works that please God but that God's righteousness is seen with only our faith in HIM. The Apostle Paul was so very strong on this issue that he Stated that such people who twist the Gospel were accursed. That is very strong terms for the complete rejection of what they are and what they teach. The travesty is all too often they teach something that sounds good but perverts the truth of God. It is this very issue that had been building for centuries and that God used Martin Luther to address in the 1500s. That it still is being perpetuated is the reason the Epistles of Romans and Galatians are in the Bible. What our Lord asks is that we love Him and trust Him. He frees us to be what He has designed us to be and THAT pleases Him. Warmly, Dr. C.
Many people came to Christ in the 70s and 80s thru Christian concerts.
I helped out quite a bit and there were true conversions so can not figure out why Bill was so against Christian concerts. Keith Green, the
second chapter of acts, Phil Kaeggy, larry Norman, Michael W Smith and the list goes on. People came forward like an alter call and gave their hearts to the Lord. I did not follow the teaching of Bills about getting approval for marriage first before you marry someone and not sure where he came up with that teaching either. I have been married for 33 years with four kids. One is a nurse. Two have graduate degrees and are teaching. One of the two teachers is going for her phd. The last one is in College. Not sure how Bill got so off base because In 1973 he really seemed to have it together.
Thank you for sharing your story, Grace. So glad you were rescued, and found freedom.