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Journal Entry, September 2009–
“I want more!! I really thought I could be happy with this life…but I was wrong. I feel like I’m going to explode. This isn’t me– *sigh* I don’t think it is, anyway. The sad part is, I don’t really know who “me” is…but it’s not this person, I’m sure of that. I feel like a stranger in my own body. My physical self walks, talks, looks, and acts like I’m suppose to, but my insides are screaming “what are you doing??!” There’s more to life than this, whatever “this” is. There has to be. We’re supposed to be happy. I’m not. We’re supposed to be fulfilled. Definitely not. We’re supposed to be a lot of things…but the only thing I feel is…fake.”
I remember writing this one night after being frustrated with life in general, but specifically with my parents (Sorry Dad and Mom!). I had big plans about where I wanted to go in life and what I wanted to do, I had myself all worked up into a ball of excitement, which I carelessly let spill out in conversation one night with Dad and Mom. I walked away from the conversation angry, discouraged, and crushed… which wasn’t too uncommon whenever we had discussions about the various things I wanted to pursue. Mistake one: having a dream that didn’t fit into the mold previously set forth for me as a Christian girl. Mistake two: admitting that such a dream existed in my head and heart. (Darn that evil heart of mine with it’s ungodly dreams!) Mistake three: thinking it’s okay to have such thoughts and desires. Mistake four: daring to think I was capable of more than dishes and birthing children. Mistake five: thinking at all. Mistake six: having that dreaded “independent spirit,” which inevitably leads to the ultimate mistake: utter rebellion.
Now, if you weren’t raised the way I was raised and you aren’t familiar with its “uniqueness,” then you are probably either 1) a little lost right now, 2) clicking the back button on your Internet to read something that actually makes sense to you, or 3) laughing hysterically at the large amount of ridiculousness in the above paragraph.
Because it would take far too long to explain, and I really don’t care to spend the time or energy thinking through the best ways to describe the issues from my past, I’ll keep it simple. I think that through various circumstances and because of various influential people in my life, I was led down a road of lies, bondage, legalism, and false views of God. On my journey down this road I started to become someone at a very young age that I was never created to be. I started letting parts of my core design (parts I was really too young to even fully understand yet, a design that God Himself created with His very hands for a purpose) slip away from me in hopes of becoming who I thought I supposed to be: Obedient. Calm. Quiet. Subdued. Meek. Mature. Lady-like. Easy-going. Opinion-less. Submissive. A follower. For those who know me well, you probably chuckled at some of those. While the things I listed can all be good things, the fact is that most of them just aren’t who I am. However, I thought that if I did become all these things and less my true self, life would be “easier” and less complicated, not only for me, but for those around me as well. My parents wouldn’t be upset or disappointed in me–perhaps they would even love me MORE, my Pastor and church leaders would think highly of not only me, but my parents and their achievement in raising “godly children,” other adults wouldn’t frown upon my “unruliness,” but would instead want their own children to model my impeccable character. We would have a greater ministry as a family, lost people would see me at Wal-mart in my long skirt and fall on their faces in repentance because of my outstanding example of Christ Himself, and last but not least, I wouldn’t constantly be getting in trouble for being “bad”! (Quite a bit of pressure for an 8-year-old, wouldn’t you say?)
Now before I go on, let me say that I am in no way angry or bitter toward my parents for the way they raised me or the things they taught me. They were being fed the same lies I was, and it was with the purest of intentions and motives that they led our family down this road. They’ve shared this journey of discovering truth and grace with me and God has brought our family through much searching, learning, baggage sifting, pain, joy, victory, freedom, and healing.
My thought during my childhood and early teens, was that maybe if I simplified my emotions and my feelings, threw out my opinions, changed my passions, my goals, dreams, and desires, maybe if I were the model Christian girl I should be, then things wouldn’t be so intense and difficult, people wouldn’t look at me and shake their heads in disapproval. Maybe I wouldn’t get lectured about my outgoing nature, my vivaciousness, my “loudness” (both in volume and personality), my stubbornness, my use of expression, adjectives, punctuation (Yes, I got lectured for using too many exclamation points, and no, I’m not kidding!), my flair (and love) for dramatics, or my spunk and sassiness. Maybe I wouldn’t get another letter in the mail from someone I thought was one of my closest friends, criticizing everything about my personality and who I was, judging my heart and my motives, accusing me of some pretty heavy stuff, and condemning me for not fitting into THEIR idea of who I should be. Perhaps, I should just be like everyone else. Perhaps I would make it easier for God to direct me and mold me if I subdued myself and forced myself into that little box–you know, the one that people with too much time on their hands and too much self-righteousness have created and entitled, “What a Godly Christian Female is supposed to look, sound, act, and smell like”? Yeah, that one. Maybe God would do more through me if I weren’t so very individualistic, if I weren’t so stubborn about being…well, myself. Perhaps if I weren’t just so uniquely…ME.
So, I tried–really hard–and it started working. I was happy; for brief moments anyway. And then the moment would end, and after a while I began to realize something. Other people might be pleased with who I was becoming, but inwardly, I was very unhappy. I felt empty and lifeless. I felt less and less myself, and soon I didn’t know who I was anymore. I felt as though I were slowly slipping into a deep, dark, lonely pit. As time passed I found myself saying things that I didn’t really mean, letting people walk all over me because I didn’t want to disappoint them, reacting in ways that didn’t feel natural, stuffing every single emotion I thought might be considered “ungodly.” And what on earth for? So I could be perceived as “good,” “godly,” “spiritual”? So people would “approve” of me? So people would “love” me? To make people “happy”? My motivation for living this way wasn’t because I felt convicted that I wasn’t being who God wanted me to be. I honestly didn’t know for sure who God wanted me to be. As a matter of fact, I never really consulted God on my behavior, because after all, He didn’t matter. What mattered was what everyone else thought, and how everyone else perceived me. And people were always quick to tell me who God wanted me to be, so I didn’t really need to hear it from Him.
So what had happened? How had I, a Christian, pushed God so far out that I didn’t even feel the need for a personal relationship with Him? I’ll tell you what had happened. I had allowed the opinion of people to outweigh the opinion of Jesus Christ. I had let the approval of people become more important to me than the approval of Jesus Christ. I didn’t understand who I was in Christ, I didn’t view myself as automatically approved by Him because of the blood of His Son. I didn’t understand that I am fully and completely, without a shadow of doubt, always and forever accepted by Him. I am a child of the Living God, and you know what? Because I am covered by the blood of Jesus and 100% righteous in Him, it absolutely does not matter what ANYONE on this planet thinks of me or thinks I should or should not be. God did not create us to be robots. He certainly did not create us to be cookie cutters of one another–human beings that are supposed to look, act, talk, dress, and be just alike. Our Father loves variety. Look around you! Isn’t this point obvious? Are all the trees the same? Are all the flowers the same? Snowflakes? Absolutely not. And look at the variety in animals. Is each designed to do the same thing, created for the same purpose? Does each fulfill its purpose by living the exact same way? No! Each is different and unique: individual. Just because someone is different or has different “convictions” does NOT mean they’re wrong and you are right. It simply means they’re different and God is working in them differently than He is in you.
I’ve learned something this past year that many I know would disagree with. I’ve learned that while there are things in God’s Word that are completely black and white and there is no getting around it, there is a whole lot of grey. And you want to know something? Most of life is lived in the grey. God doesn’t list out every single detail of every single thing for us to do or say. He doesn’t write 1,395 basic principles and steps for us to follow in order to be godly, righteous, accepted, approved, holy, and happy. He doesn’t wish to micromanage our lives. That is not Who God is. And do you know why that is? Because what would be the point? Is there beauty in love that is forced? Is there satisfaction and fulfillment in a relationship that involves no willingness or desire to be in it? If God laid everything out for us, detail by detail, black and white, with no margin for grey, what would be the purpose of freedom, love, relationship, and grace? Our focus would never be on loving Him with all our heart, soul and mind. It would never be on searching out His will for me. It would never be on knowing Him more and more. It would never be on communicating with Him to find the specific and unique answers and guidance we need in order to fulfill our specific and unique, individual purpose on this journey we call life. Ask anyone who has come out of a life of legalism with rules, regulations, and striving to make everything in life either black or white with no room for error. Your focus shifts to the procedure and the principle rather than to the Person of Jesus Christ, and your relationship with Him and your love for Him will suffer whether you know it or not.
You might be completely disagreeing with me or you might be shouting “Amen.” Either way I’m just going to say it: Legalism, and all the judgment and condemnation that accompany legalism, almost destroyed me. Legalism empowers people to be “above” those they feel have “lower standards.” Legalism gives people the “right” to call themselves the elite, or the “cream of the crop” as we were so often referred to. Legalism creates and promotes condemnation and arrogance, and pushes genuine love for others right out of the picture. Do Legalists feel pity? Certainly they do, but pity is a far cry from genuine love which we are commanded in Scripture to have for other people. And do you see a stipulation for that love given in Scripture? Such as, love others as long as their standards are the same as yours, their skirt touches the ground, they only listen to hymns, and read KJV only? I think not. God has commanded us to LOVE OTHERS. Period. Whether they meet your standard of righteousness is not your concern. It’s God’s standard you should be concerned about, and the last time I checked, God didn’t specify every tiny detail of how we are to live our lives. It is wrong for anyone to take a personal conviction and force it on someone else–especially when they can find nothing in Scripture to back it. I’m shocked at how many people live in such bondage to rules and regulations and when pressed, cannot give me an answer from Scripture that supports that standard. Can they find someone in leadership somewhere that supports/backs and teaches it ? Definitely. But God’s Word? Ummmmm… God has given us a responsibility to be who HE created us to be; nothing more and nothing less. There is a reason He made me the person I am and gave me the personality He did. I’m not completely sure yet why He did, and maybe I never will be this side of Heaven, but I know one thing: I won’t sacrifice that person anymore for the sake of someone else’s acceptance, happiness, or opinion. I’m going to continue the journey of finding that person I lost, and embrace her and all that comes with her. The passion, the fire, the opinions, the dreams too big for anyone but God, the love for life and people of all kinds, the love for the dramatic, the expression, the emotion, the firm beliefs and the fearless expression of those beliefs, and the happiness that can only result in simply being the ME that GOD created.
Please know that this was not written to stir up debate. I’ve been writing this for the last year because it helps in my journey and process to express what I’m feeling and thinking. Take it for what it is: something from my heart. Not an attack, not a fight, not a debate.
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You are so right - life is mostly gray! What works and fits for one person doesn't necessarily apply to everyone! One of the things my husband said attracted him to me was that I had dreams and goals of my item. What a boring person I would be without them. My only regret from my single years is that I did sit around and ” wait” as long as I did. I wish someone would have come along with a gentle nudge Anne said, ” Go for it!!”. My parents weren't opposed to school, career, etc., thankfully, but I did hover in neutral for too long because I was afraid of being my own person and taking responsibility for my own decisions. I wish I would have known the only person in my way was me!!
*own*, *and*
Thanks for sharing your heart! As I read, my heart was touched and identified with different things you shared. It is so fun to be able to discover and live fully who God made me to be instead of focusing on what I "should" and "shouldn't" do all the time. Indeed, as you mentioned loving Him and walking in relationship with Him is the best way to live life rather than living by "rules". As I walk with Him more and more I find Him so gentle and kind. Just the opposite of what I lived under and how I treated myself when I tried to do the "right" thing all the time. I loved hearing your heart!
THANK YOU for sharing this! I thoroughly enjoyed reading it and identify with so much of what you said!
thank you for sharing. Keep advancing in all that your Creator has called you to be...His heart delights in you in a million ways!
Thanks so much for sharing this!! Many blessings to you as you find who you really are!! A beautiful, vibrant, smiling daughter of the King!
I remember when I was a teenager that my younger brother said to me, "We weren't made to be robots. If ours parents want us to be exactly like them, that's a problem." It kind of surprised me. I embraced ATI's teachings way more whole-heartedly than anyone in my family (including my parents) and couldn't really imagine that God had made ME unique.
And learning that life has so many gray areas has been AMAZING!! That's taken place for me in the past couple of years and WOW what an eye opener!
Thanks for sharing.
I've been there. Maybe I'm still there some days... Thanks for giving me hope.
It's SUCH a journey, isn't it?!
I did not grow up ATI but married an ATI girl. When she gets together with some of her friends that were also in ATI, they reminisce about those days rather fondly. Sometimes they joke about "ultra-ATI dorks" but generally are relatively positive about the time there (she was often doing CI's out of town but never worked for an extended period of time at a TC.) My wife loves the Lord and loves me (!) and I appreciate that she was brought up honring her parents and encouraged to dress modestly. I have a great relationship with her parents because I spent my time at her house while we courted - we did not date in the everyday sense. I was the first man she ever kissed - what more could a guy ask for. I'm blessed, and for that I thank ATI.
I've seen this comment before. But it doesn't have anything to do with the actual article. Not sure what your point is here. Good for you that you're happy though.
VERY WELL PUT! Amazingly, eye-opening expression of true Christianity!!! OUTSTANDING!
Thank you SO much for this post...I have been on this same journey, along with my family....and now I am FREE and loving it...enjoying God's grace instead of constantly fearing His wrath. I am an artist and was SO afraid to paint for fear that it might become an idol...now I am painting again and telling people, through my paintings, about God and what He has brought me through. Thank you, thank you, thank you for this post...but especially thankful to God for His grace and for shedding light on my path :)
I tried so hard to fit into the ATI-shaped cookie cutter, but I just couldn't. Neither could our daughter; both of us are dreamers, musicians, a little artistic, and we didn't thrive in that particular batch of cookies. Praise God that He's so faithful; gently held us as we tried so hard to thrive and then tried so hard to break free. My daughter is still struggling with her experience with legalistic Christianity. She's drifting right now, but I know her anchor is still holding within the veil. Thanks for listening.
Thank you for putting into words the struggle I have been trying to solve, but have been unable to really pinpoint. Susanna's reply was dead on: thank you for sharing this post. It really makes me feel like there is hope in solving the dilemma of "who am I really, and how do I get to that person?":)A dear friend has been trying to counsel/hammer into my head the concept of being loved because, in Christ, I am now perfect in His righteousness; I don't have to earn His love, I Have It! Unconditionally. Period. The concept makes sense to my brain, but I've never been able to actually rest in that truth and believe it with my heart (if that makes any sense).
Your post is like a crack of light under a tiny door I never noticed or even knew to look for! I am a Christian, but I feel like I'm broken and can't "fix" myself enough to be acceptable to God, so I generally ignore Him or try not to think about how flawed and hopelessly messed up I am. But then my husband, or a loving friend, or a post like this, or a verse speaks hope again and all I want is to have a relationship with the Lord I see then.
Didn't mean to write a book:) Thank you for sharing from your heart! Blessings on you as you continue your journey!
I'm one of the ones shouting "Amen!" at your well-written article. I have never been a part of ATI; in fact, I grew up in a fairly charismatic church. Over the past few years, our church became increasingly legalistic after a few, including our pastor, were sucked in by the teachings of people like Doug Phillips and Vodie Bacham. I tried to do the things I thought I was supposed to do. The things that would make me more holy and closer to God. Read the right books, study the Bible all the time, pray more, quit wasting time with hobbies. But I couldn't seem to muster up the passion for those things that some of my friends seemed to have. I felt depressed and miserable- clearly I was doing something wrong, or I wasn't tuned into God the way I should be. The way those around me were. But praise God, after a very dark time in my life, I am learning again of His great love which cannot be earned, and what grace truly means. Your article really resonated with me, especially the part about dreams. I was just telling my husband the other day that I feel like those teachings made me afraid to dream! But I'm not afraid anymore!
If I were your parents/mom, I would be so very proud of you. Your parents did to you what we did to our kids also. But the bottom line is, when the dust has settled, you are strong, and an individual. While others may be deceived you stand strong because of the adversity you encountered. You know who you are in Christ, and that is something that many believers do not fully understand, some maybe never. What you display is tremendous maturity. In spite of the oppression of Gothardism, you rose above it, and prospered. Many of the deceptions your parents fell prey to because of ATI, you are aware of. You will one day raise your children with whom you can impart truth. Real truth, not the dysfunctional legalism we were all fed. For you are wise. Weeping may endure for a night, but a shout of joy comes in the morning. The day has dawned.......I am happy for you :-)
AMEN!!! I completely agree, and have very much been there... truth be told, I'm still there a bit. I'm a 30something mom that is still trying to figure out WHO I am!! I've been stuffed into a mold that isn't me, and I don't know what I really am, what I really like, what my dreams really are!! Thanks for posting this, and keep on journeying and discovering!!
Such a fantastic post! Thank you so much for sharing, this is exactly the conclusion I've found myself. Thank you for putting it into words.
I find it rather amusing that for a group that stressed that "One...I am One of a Kind!", they were all about making everyone...exactly the same. :)