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Tag Archives: culture

A Christian “Utopia”?

24 September 2011, 06:00



I have a vivid memory of a certain walk I took near the end of my four-year stay at the Institute in Basic Life Principles (IBLP) Headquarters campus. I was walking up the sidewalk, taking in the fresh air, and the most revolutionary thought crossed my mind: IBLP is just a small corner of the […]

Grace and Culture

27 August 2011, 06:00

Beth C


I have recently made a number of new friends who, like me, grew up in the Advanced Training Institute (ATI). The discussions that have ensued have given me much to think about and shown me glaring truths about my past that I had never before been able to see. The logical fallacies quite apparent in […]

Breaking Free

10 August 2011, 07:00



They were raised in a normal America. They had children and then, in reaction to the symptoms of societal misdeeds, they were drawn to an organization (the Institute in Basic Life Principles) that held a checklist of answers to life’s every question. (clothing, hair style, vocabulary, music, activities, toys, pets,education, culture, friendships, dating, marriage, raising children, […]