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Tag Archives: fasting

Forced Fasting

8 February 2012, 06:30



In daily life at the Institute in Basic Life Principles (IBLP) Training Centers and Headquarters, it was always understood that the kitchens were to be closed on Sundays. The explanation I was given when I first arrived at the Indianapolis Training Center (ITC) in 1995 for my year of service with EQUIP was that the […]

Freedom from Strongholds

16 January 2012, 06:00

Seth S


I grew up in your typical ATI family. My Dad was a pastor, and my Mom stayed at home and home-schooled all ten of us kids.  Bless their hearts, their intentions were noble. Trying to keep us un-spotted and free from worldly influences, they simply had no clue they were raising a son like me! […]

You’ll Be Okay … Maybe

23 August 2011, 06:15



The following stories, told by former Advanced Training Institute (ATI) students on various online forums, are a small sampling of the many stories told by young people who became ill or sustained physical injuries while working at an ATI training center or at Institute in Basic Life Principles (IBLP) headquarters. These stories illustrate a common […]