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Articles about how Bill Gothard mishandles the Bible to support his legalistic viewpoint.

Personal testimonies of finding true freedom through God's matchless grace.

Living and thriving through the grace of God.

Stories and accounts of the destruction caused by the teachings of Bill Gothard.

Tag Archives: fear

Behind Every Good Man…

30 July 2012, 06:00



The concept of authority is central to Bill Gothard’s teachings. So much so, that I remember performing a coronation ceremony crowning my dad “king” of our family as a Wisdom Booklet project. I was 16 at the time, and struggling with authority being defined as dad’s complete control over every aspect of my life. My […]

How to Spiritually Manipulate Young People in Six Easy Steps

27 July 2012, 06:00



Step 1. Present a test that supposedly measures one’s love for God. Every Christian young person desires to love God, of course, and will be excited to confirm their commitment to their Savior! Step 2. Present scripture out of context that insinuates that one is God’s enemy if they fail the test. This heightens the […]

Here’s The Courtship; Where’s The Love?

25 July 2012, 06:00



When I was twelve, my parents came home and said, “Just so you know, you’re never going to be allowed to date.” This was fine by me; I was more into books than socializing. In fact, although I had a speech prepared on why I didn’t date, I never did get to use it. Still […]

He Freely Gives Grace

21 July 2012, 06:00



What Have You Done with My Daughter?

14 July 2012, 06:00



My first experience with anything Bill Gothard was the Eternal Vision program. My then 18-year-old daughter, who had for years rejected God, had been amazingly touched by God in a Denny’s parking lot. This girl was beaming with joy, sleepless from excitement, and so new and fresh. I urged her to visit some people we […]

He Was Supposed to Protect Us

2 July 2012, 06:00



The relationship between my step-dad and myself has always been a little different than a normal father-daughter relationship. For most of my life, I thought of him only as my dad, never putting “step” in front of it, because he was the only man to ever fill that spot in my life. I started using […]

Is This the Gospel?

5 June 2012, 06:00



You know, I have seen so much in my 38 years. I have witnessed first-hand what false theology can do. Theology is the doctrine of God. It matters. How we view God determines how we treat one another and how we relate to the world around us. I am thankful for being taught about Jesus when I […]

When the Formula Fails

1 June 2012, 06:00



The Wall Imagine yourself in a tunnel facing a wall that appears to seal off the tunnel. Your goal is to get through the tunnel to the other side but the wall is in your way. Fortunately, you have learned that the wall moves as you push it. You begin to push the wall down […]

Finding My Self Worth

28 May 2012, 06:00



I had thought my anger was long past. I was convinced that I had forgiven and moved forward. And here I am. Over the past several months I have learned new things about myself and about others within ATI (the Advanced Training Institute) that have caused the tears to flow… again. Sometimes in a healing […]

Failure to Conform

23 May 2012, 06:00

Joshua B


As an ATI (Advanced Training Institute) student, I was a walking contradiction. So much of me wanted to be a perfect, sharply dressed, smiling young man in navy and white with a shining smile and a perfectly slicked comb over–just like the fine young men that sang on the main stage at the Knoxville conference […]