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Dear Recovering Grace Reader,
The Institute in Basic Life Principles (IBLP) board of directors released a statement on Tuesday (June 17, 2014) entitled A Time of Transition. This appears to be their official response to the allegations of sexual harassment and abuse that have been reported on our site, and it also addressed our assertion that Bill Gothard is disqualified from Christian service. Additionally, Gothard was quoted on Wednesday (June 18, 2014) by the Chicago Sun-Times. Gothard’s comments in that article give some insight into his current and future plans.
According to the IBLP website, the men currently serving on the IBLP board are Dr. Stephen Paine, Pastor David York, Mr. Anthony Burrus, Mr. Gil Bates, and Dr. John Stancil. In the three months since these men released their initial statement concerning Gothard’s resignation from IBLP on March 17, we have been cautiously hopeful that the board would ultimately do the right thing—that they would come to an understanding of the corruption and misconduct that has permeated the ministry for almost forty years, and that they would lead the ministry towards repentance, restoring its focus on the grace of God as displayed through the gospel of Jesus Christ. We hoped that members of the board and the IBLP staff would be willing to take a stand for truth, transparency, and humble repentance, understanding that so much more is at stake than a single organization.
This week’s statement by IBLP was a severe disappointment as we realized that the current board of IBLP has chosen to do as the previous IBLP board did in 1980 and 1981: to minimize the exploitation of innocent young women by the founder of their ministry, to ignore their responsibility for this and other misconduct and abuse, and to justify this type of non-response because they believe in saving the organization above all else. Once again, a Christian organization is choosing self-preservation, ignoring the abuse and broken lives left by a predatory leader.
In summary, we see three major flaws in the board’s statement:
(1) It is dismissive of the victims and of the harassment itself;
(2) It is deceptive in its presentation of recent events;
(3) It is defensive of the validity of Bill Gothard’s ministry and teachings.
These flaws are further magnified by Gothard’s statements to the Chicago Sun-Times regarding his intention to continue “working with young people,” and using “intent” as the defining characteristic of sexual harassment.
At no point in their statement does the IBLP board recognize and address the damaging impact of Gothard’s behavior, nor does the board offer any sort of apology or expression of sorrow for what took place under their jurisdiction. Indeed, there seems to be more concern about the difficulty that this has caused the board than about the pain perpetrated upon Gothard’s victims:
We are grateful for your prayers and patience as we have all walked through these difficult months. As Board members, each of us has been positively impacted by the relationships, teachings, and opportunities available through the Institute in Basic Life Principles. It is because of our appreciation for this ministry that we agreed to serve on the Board of Directors. We also recognize our duty as Board members, and we bring this statement with great heaviness of heart.
In response to allegations against Bill Gothard, the Board sought the facts through a confidential and thorough review process conducted by outside legal counsel. Many people were interviewed, including former Board members, current and past staff members, current and past administrators, parents, and family members.
There is no mention of interviewing the victims themselves, those who have already spoken publicly of their harassment and abuse. We believe that this statement has essentially re-victimized these women by negligently and publicly demonstrating that, in the Board’s eyes, they are of no consequence in this discussion. To our knowledge, none of the women who have published their stories on Recovering Grace were personally approached for their statement in the IBLP investigation.
Furthermore, the board uses language throughout the statement that minimizes the invasive and depraved nature of Gothard’s behavior—Instead, they say he “acted in an inappropriate manner,” that there was a “lack of discretion,” a “failure to follow Christ’s example,” and “shortcomings.” This is a man who used his position of power to coerce underaged young women into telling him intimate details of their previous sexual abuse over and over again, manipulated them into altering their appearance through cosmetic procedures to please him, specified what types of bras they should wear around him, held hands and played footsie with them, touched them inappropriately, engaged them in long frontal embraces, and controlled every area he could of their personal lives. He did not engage in this behavior just once, but repeatedly over a forty-year period. He cannot claim innocence, or that he did not know what he did was wrong, for he was confronted about these sins and abuses of position many, many times, by the young women themselves, by their parents, by his peers, and by past board members in authority over him.
Let us be clear: Gothard’s actions were sin. His actions were not “lacking discretion” or “shortcomings”; they were sin. And for an organization that has always taken the hardest possible line on anything it categorizes as sinful behavior, this attempt to whitewash Gothard’s sin is shockingly hypocritical. The board seems to believe that it can minimize the depravity and consequences of Gothard’s behavior by pretending the victims don’t really exist, in an attempt to carry on IBLP’s work as if nothing ever happened. By doing so, the board members have now aligned themselves with Gothard’s misconduct by characterizing it as mere victimless indiscretion or imperfection, and they have re-victimized these women themselves.
The second and third paragraphs of the statement say,
In response to allegations against Bill Gothard, the Board sought the facts through a confidential and thorough review process conducted by outside legal counsel. Many people were interviewed, including former Board members, current and past staff members, current and past administrators, parents, and family members.
At this point, based upon those willing to be interviewed, no criminal activity has been discovered. If it had been, it would have been reported to the proper authorities immediately, as it will be in the future if any such activity is revealed.
We have been made aware of at least one young woman who was interviewed by this investigation who did, in fact, testify to Gothard’s sexual harassment, as well as to blatant criminal behavior including labor law violations and failure to report sexual abuse of minors. Why was this not included in the report? Did the board immediately report it to the proper authorities? And if they did, why wouldn’t they disclose this information? Are there more allegations that they’ve decided are unimportant and not fitting their definition of criminal activity?
We have been in communication with multiple sources, both within the IBLP organization and other individuals who were interviewed as part of the investigation. We have also researched those who are conducting this investigation. Based on the evidence, we know this investigation was neither external nor impartial, and that the board’s description of the investigation is highly misleading at best.
The board’s investigation was spearheaded by Dr. David Gibbs, Jr., of the Christian Law Association (not to be confused with the more prominent Christian Legal Society). It has been well-documented on other websites that Gibbs Jr. and his team have historically been on the wrong side of abuse cases. In fact, David Gibbs III, the son of Gibbs Jr., recently asserted in an official statement that his father’s legal work “helps cover for alleged and/or eventually convicted abusers, or the churches or ministries they work for.” Gibbs Jr.’s historic role is not that of impartial investigator, but of an attorney engaged by churches to minimize their organizational liability in cases of misconduct and abuse.
Additionally, Gibbs Jr. was a keynote speaker at both of the ATI regional conferences this year, and has maintained a long-term relationship with Bill Gothard and the IBLP organization since the 1980s. Only in the most technical of terms can the board can say that their review process was “conducted by outside legal counsel.” It was an error in judgment to entrust such a sensitive investigation to someone who has consistently demonstrated poor judgment when dealing with abuse cases, and deceptive to characterize someone so closely tied to and socially invested in their organization as an objective investigator.
It is also important to note that, during the course of this investigation, not one of the women who have shared their stories on our site were personally contacted by Gibbs Jr. or his investigative team, including Charlotte, who alleged molestation. While we would not blame any of these women if they were not willing to be interviewed by such a biased investigator, we find it telling and troubling that none of them were ever contacted personally by the investigation and given a chance to speak, even though their identities are known to people within the organization.
Instead, Gibbs Jr.’s legal team contacted a member of the Recovering Grace leadership team, in an attempt to set up a secretive face-to-face meeting to see if we could facilitate interviews with the women who had posted on our site. However, after a lengthy exchange of emails and phone calls, Recovering Grace declined their request for two reasons: First and foremost, we do not speak for, nor do we legally represent, the women who have shared on our site; we are a media blog and not a legal team. Second, Gibbs Jr.’s team demanded that Recovering Grace sign non-disclosure agreements as precondition to hold even a preliminary facilitation meeting, and named specific team members whom they did not want to attend the meeting. We sought outside counsel regarding these unusual restrictions, and were strongly urged not to sign anything. We communicated these details in writing to Gibbs Jr.’s team, although our impression is that they simply relayed to the IBLP board that we were unwilling to help them. We also communicated the victims’ interest in speaking directly to the IBLP board, as well as their strong interest in speaking to a legitimate third-party investigation, such as G.R.A.C.E. These suggestions seem to have been completely ignored by Gibbs Jr.’s team, and, as far as we know, they made no further efforts to contact the victims personally.
Our team has attempted to reach out to the board several times in hopes of meeting and sharing our hearts with them in person or by phone. We have expressed our strong belief that personal interactions with our team and the information we hold are crucial to their investigation. These requests have been repeatedly rejected, apparently upon the advice of Gibbs Jr.
The most glaring omission in the board’s statement is their failure to publicly, definitively, and permanently remove Gothard from the IBLP ministry. Perhaps it was their intent to permanently disqualify him, but they used very weak language that leaves much wiggle-room to reinterpret the statement at a later time. In stating that, “at this time the Board unanimously agrees that Mr. Gothard is not permitted to serve in any counseling, leadership, or Board role within the IBLP ministry,” the board leaves room for Gothard to return at a later date, or to be immediately involved in roles such as authoring IBLP curriculum or teaching.
Our concern is further deepened by the board’s assertion that “God still desires to use Bill Gothard for His work in the Kingdom of God.” As we have stated many times in recent months, Gothard’s behavior clearly disqualifies him from Christian leadership and ministry according Titus 1 and I Timothy 3. Perhaps God does have a future ministry for Gothard, but this could only come after a time of deep brokenness and proven repentance before God and those he has victimized, and it should not include teaching or ministering alongside underaged young women ever again. It is both highly inappropriate and disturbing for the board to make such a bold assumption in the same statement in which they almost acknowledge that Gothard has sexually harassed young women.
Furthermore, we are extremely concerned with the board’s statement that Gothard’s sin does not “discredit the truths of God’s Word that were taught through him.” When someone has consistently behaved in a manner contrary to God’s Word over a long period of time, all of his teachings must be closely examined to see if, in fact, they are in line with God’s Word. It was Gothard himself who often said that “a man’s morality dictates his theology,” and, while the legitimacy of that statement can be debated, it seems only right that the board would hold Gothard to the same standard he preached. Perhaps a more accurate viewpoint comes from Matthew 7:18, which states that “a good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit.” The board’s statement shows greater concern for defending the Gothard-generated content of IBLP’s product line of books and seminars than it does with God’s Word, which is available elsewhere.
We strongly believe that the IBLP board needs to either request an independent review of Gothard’s teachings by credible theologians and scholars who have minimal association with the organization, or to simply pull them from publication and distribution. In cases where there are clearly faulty teachings, IBLP should issue public retractions of the content.
The board’s statement would have been disconcerting enough without Gothard’s recent comments in an article published by the Chicago Sun-Times on Thursday, June 19, 2014. These comments served to confirm our fears that Gothard desires a return to the status quo in both his behavior and public ministry.
Concerning whether he sexually harassed young women, Gothard stated that “sexual harassment is to a large extent intent, and my intent was never to harass them.”
In this shocking statement, Gothard essentially acknowledges the allegations, but dismisses them because he had no sexual or ill “intent.” If one could actually accept Gothard’s assertion that he did all of these things without “sexual intent,” as he publicly stated in April, it would still be irrelevant, because sexual harassment is defined by the negative impact on the victim rather than by the alleged intent of the perpetrator. Anti-harassment laws and policies would otherwise be meaningless, as they would be easily and universally circumvented by harassers’ assertions of good intentions. Furthermore, Gothard systematically fired, sent home, and shamed dozens, if not hundreds, of young men and women throughout his ministry for having even the most innocent interest (or perceived interest) in the opposite sex. For Bill to claim that “intent” is the determining factor is ludicrous in and of itself, is not consistent with his own strict teaching, and is strongly at odds with his decades-long history of dismissing staff for far milder and non-harassing behavior.
Making matters worse, when Bill was asked whether he planned to return to the IBLP ministry, he failed to give a clear answer, saying “That’s not my goal or desire right now. I just have a desire to work with and encourage the young people that I have served in the past and I want to continue that on a personal basis.”
Not only does Bill use the words “right now” to leave the door wide open to a future attempt to recapture power and influence, but he states that his current desire is to continue to personally work with the young people whom he has served in the past, which would appear to include the young women who were previously victimized by him.
Let us make our position clear. Bill Gothard should not be serving, working with, or encouraging young people—especially young, underaged women. This statement by Gothard, as well as his previous public statement, clearly indicates that he is, at best, unaware of the evil of his behavior, and, at worst, is intentionally planning to continue in it. Gothard should not be allowed to be around young people, and the board of IBLP has placed themselves in a dangerous legal, ethical, and spiritual position through their continued endorsement of Gothard’s future ministry.
At this time, it appears that IBLP plans to continue its present course with only minor cosmetic adjustments. It is clear that the board of directors is either ill-equipped or unwilling to address these issues in a biblical and ethical manner. They have chosen to minimize the offenses of and defend Gothard, his destructive teachings, his decades of power abuse, and his sexual targeting of oft-underaged subordinates, and to ignore the voices of those whom he has harmed.
EDITOR’S NOTE: For those of you wishing to express your thoughts to the IBLP board, you can email them at [email protected], Attn: IBLP Board of Directors. If you are a victim of Bill Gothard or the IBLP ministry, you are always welcome to write to us at [email protected].
[…] Recovering Grace site releases response the IBLP statement […]
Hi, as one of young women who was interviewed, I appreciate recovering grace's response. As mentioned in this response, I did alert them to criminal behavior: failure to report sexual abuse of minors and then sending them back to their situation, violation of labor laws, and sexual harassment in the work place. Even if Mr. G did not mean it as sexual intent does not mean it isn't sexual harassment. Telling a girl when she is fat to lose weight, how to look to the point of sending her to your dentist to fix her front gap, unwanted full frontal hugs, etc, is sexual harassment and it was done in selfishness and sin, because that isn't how Christ treats us and is contrary to His word and is thus sin. If he was walking in the Spirit he wouldn't have done those things. Much of Bill's teaching is based upon his desire to be overly controlling and authoritative. I remember being lectured so many times about "one accord" and that if we could achieve this then we could impact the world. The anger and the pressure he put on the staff was tremendously sinful and a down right false gospel and a misinterpretation of scripture. If majority of his principles were made for sinful purposes as they have discussed in previous articles, there most certainly should be an evaluation by a credible outside scholar to evaluate his teaching in accords with scripture. Scripture is very clear about false teachings and teachers and I believe him and his teaching to be false based upon the teachings of Jesus. I wish the board would have acknowledge the victims and seek to restore them rather than to save their "empire." Their response has saddened me.
Lagrange Bible Church needs to be involved in this conversation. What is their stance on Bill's ordination status?
In re-reading this, one other point is painfully clear - The board offered no evidence to contradict the charges. They simply said that they found no evidence to support the allegations.
Point the Uno - What is the influnce of one's reputation on the credibility of allegations? For instance, if someone accused Mother Theresa of being a rapist of little boys or murdering little girls, would that hold water given her reputation? No, the accuser would be laughed at and dismissed.
Why do so many people on the Board, senior levels of seminar staff, etc, NOT immeadiately come out and defend Bill on the basis of his reputation? It is precisely because he is KNOWN to have a problem with getting too close to teenage girls. This was, and has always been known.
Point the deux - Therefore, the board's task isn't to determine whether there is evidence to support the charges, their task is to find evidence which refutes them. The facts: 1. They provide no disputing evidence; 2. They fail to assert that the claims are unbelievable because Bill's reputation precludes it.
This is the CLEAREST indication that they themselves believe the charges.
"If a man knowest what to do, and doest it not, to him it is sin."
Thank you so much for your willingness to come forward and expose this evil man.
Thank you for coming forward and sharing how they are not being honest. Your testimony totally undermines their report. I hope you continue to expose them for their dishonesty. If they are discarding testimony that does not fit the story that they are trying to weave, the report is meaningless and it probably means that they are trying to bury much more that just your testimony. This report and the IBLP statement completely re-victimizes the victims, by pretending that they don't exist and minimizing the things that were done to them.
Not totally. It raised questions but she does not say she was an eyewitness or victim. All who have read RG can testify by hearsay, but if they did not interview any eyewitness or victim it would be easy to dismiss "more hearsay" (hearsay is the reason teh did an investigation) and state that they could not confirm or find "evidence" (meaning non-hearsay testimony).
It's one more reason why their statement says nothing: they do not say they interviewed any witness or victim or why they chose the people they did interview. (Not to mention that they do not say what allegations they investigated.) They also did not report the reasons they rejected RG's offers to provide victims. They just avoid any evidence and reach the natural conclusion one would reach if one did not interview eyewitnesses: no evidence.
It's like the man looking for his keys under the streetlight because it's easier to look there, even though he lost them down the block in a dark place. He feels good about his search but there is no chance he will find anything relevant.
I was an eye witness and victim. I was a favorite of his.
Thank you for that clarification. You should give your statement to the Sun Times if anyone wants to press this in public.
"I was an eye witness and victim. I was a favorite of his."
It would appear that they have totally swept your testimony under the rug. This is outrageous! I would encourage you to get in touch with the journalists who have been covering this story. The truth must be known:
Sarah Pulliam Bailey at Religion News Service RNS: [email protected]
Nicola Menzie at Christian Post: [email protected]
Jeremy Weber at Christianity Today: https://twitter.com/ctnewseditor
Warren Cole Smith at World Magazine: https://twitter.com/WarrenColeSmith
Francine Knowles-Chicago Sun Times [email protected]
All these women should check their legal options first...reach out to an attorney and/or Recovering Grace. It does matter.
Thank you for being so bold to tell your story. I hope other women AND MEN come forward to support you.
If they were really serious about the truth they would have invited every woman who had a case against BG. Alas, they did not, which proves they simply wanted to dismiss it ad move along. also, if they were truly repentant and serious about the truth they would have had an independent investigator, and not a "fox covering the hen house." This smacks of the current Obama/Holder WH and is totally unacceptable. This organization simply needs to be terminated and completely cut off from the Christian community. If they cannot be totally above board, they should not exist. Period.
I don't know your age, but maybe you have not been around long. There really isn't any group of individuals or any organization that is perfect and sinless. While the wrongs done will have to be dealt with (either in this life, or in the life to come), the driving need of this website to eliminate the ministry is off-base. I mean, look at what King David did? And you still accept his teachings and writings in God's word? I hope you do. Some very, very sinful men wrote the bible as directed by God. If He used imperfect men to write His word, how much more will He use imperfect people now? Believe it or not, people have benefited and are currently benefiting from IBLP. You don't have to swallow any one particular ministry whole. But there is a lot of truth to be had from IBLP. Our family uses this ministry. We are appalled, shocked and grieved at what was done. I'm so glad our own children did not get hurt. I've never attended a perfect church, either. There's always something going on and always someone taking advantage of situations or people. Welcome to humanity! And getting saved doesn't mean saved people are all roses and goodness (I'll bet it stank on that ark, too!) It's a process. It's amazing that God chooses to work with us sinners. I'm a sinner too, aren't you? When I read about Bill it just made me want to repent even more. How about you? Do you feel better compared to him? When you get close to people, you often get hurt.
Hi Mindy,
Let's talk about what you wrote.
"There really isn't any group of individuals or any organization that is perfect and sinless."
So does that mean we shouldn't stand against sin? That's what's happening here at RG. In the past, people who followed IBLP were pretty strong on being against sin, even on exposing it in the lives of others. I take it you're not.
"While the wrongs done will have to be dealt with (either in this life, or in the life to come), the driving need of this website to eliminate the ministry is off-base. I mean, look at what King David did?"
Not David again! It appears to be the only Bible story that Bill Gothard's defenders know. Like their "anointed one" they prefer to cherry-pick pieces of Scripture that suit them rather than reason with the whole of it. There are plenty of stories in Scripture of people who were denied ministries, positions, and even their very lives because of their sinful conduct. Bill Gothard is not a king, he is not an "anointed one", and he does not meet the NEW TESTAMENT qualifications for a teacher of the church.
"We are appalled, shocked and grieved at what was done. I'm so glad our own children did not get hurt."
I'm glad your children weren't hurt, and that you had the appropriate reaction to Bill's sins, which is indeed being appalled, shocked, and grieved. So why would you want to to continue receiving his teaching? There are so many wonderful Christian teachers out there who don't carry his baggage, to put it mildly. I would encourage you to read some of the discussions of his aberrant theology that are on this site.
"I've never attended a perfect church, either. There's always something going on and always someone taking advantage of situations or people. Welcome to humanity!"
So because everyone has sinned it's okay that Bill has sinned? The way I read the Bible, one person's sin doesn't justify another's.
"I'm a sinner too, aren't you? When I read about Bill it just made me want to repent even more. How about you? Do you feel better compared to him?"
You betcha, I'm a sinner. But I haven't sexually harassed the people that work for me, or covered up a brother's porno habit, or violated labor laws, or shamed thousands of young people for adhering to standards I myself didn't care to live up to. And I'm not a teacher of the church, who are clearly said to receive a greater condemnation than me (James 3:1).
Mindy, I remind you that the Bible gives strict standards for those who serve as teachers and overseers of the church. Bill Gothard does. not. meet. them. If you continue to receive his teaching, you have yourself rejected the standards of 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1, a clear indication that your teacher is more important to you than your Bible.
Do you believe in those parts of the Bible, Mindy?
Did you find a perfect teacher? If you did, that's Amazing! But all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Except the people you choose to hear and learn from? Or maybe you think there are gradations of sin, and that your teachers are less of a sinner than BG? Your teachers are like everyone else, they have violated every one of the 10 commandments. Just because you don't like the example of King David doesn't mean it is not relevant here. I don't think BG should be reinstated in his former positions. BUT that doesn't mean the work he did wasn't legit. JUST like King David. And to insult our sensibilities even more, God forgave David of the penalty of DEATH for which he was justly due. That always amazes me. And comforts me, and it should comfort you, too. Because only you and I He knows just exactly WHAT he has to forgive us for.
My family literally grieved over what happened, just like a funeral. We cried over what happened and were astonished. Bill being removed from his position is correct. But even a sinner can do God's work. I hope you are doing His work! I have the privilege (because of His Holy Spirit) of discerning for myself whether the things BG taught were from the Lord. I love His word, and I love His people.
Not a perfect teacher, though for several years I was privileged to sit under the teaching of a true pastor who though imperfect did not willfully or consistently violate I Timothy 3 and Titus 1.
But I've recently left a church because a different pastor did, willfully and consistently violate the scriptural standards for a church leader. To evaluate his ministry and remove myself from his influence was *my* responsibility as a Berean believer.
I appreciate that you are grieving, and trust that you will continue to grow in your understanding of the matters.
Mindy wrote:
"Just because you don't like the example of King David doesn't mean it is not relevant here. I don't think BG should be reinstated in his former positions. BUT that doesn't mean the work he did wasn't legit."
You mean about King David and the psalms and all of what he wrote? He sinned, and yet he wrote much of the Scripture? And because Gothard's teachings are "legit," we should have the same attitude?
I don't agree with you. As I stated yesterday in another article here, a HUGE part of Bill Gothard's teaching is or was to make people obey the laws of Moses, or Old Testament law from the patriarchs, contrary to the verdict of Acts 15.
For example, some of what he teaches in the Basic Seminar is true - putting a stake in the ground for salvation, for example, or the recognition of God's design in the unchangeable things of your life. But because he places people back under Old Testament law in so many ways, his teaching is not "legit."
An example of how he poisons a good teaching with just a few sentences out of a book is the famous Pineapple Story. It's a delightful book. The missionary was clearly touched by Bill to yield his rights to his fruit crop and recognize God's ownership over all he had, and the people he ministered to responded to his change of heart.
But zing, at the very end of the book, what do we have? An injunction to follow the law of Moses when it came to planting crops. No, no, and triple no!!! The author's life turned around when he gave up selfishness, not when he recognized he should have been following the law of Moses w/respect to farming!
Does that seem like a small thing to you? It would not have been so to those at the Jerusalem Council, had they been on the editorial board of the book!!! And it is unbiblical teaching such as that which permeates and poisons all of the otherwise good teaching of Bill Gothard. So I strongly disagree with you about his teaching being on par with King David's writings. It is not "legit." As someone once said to me, what is good in Gothard's teaching is not unique, and what is unique in Gothard's teaching poisons what is good.
How painful!
I don't know why the pastor did not leave instead of you?
Bill is removed. He was doing things that disqualified himself from leadership. Especially for those who were close to him and were personally hurt, I don't blame them if they didn't want to use the materials/teachings. Too much pain associated with it! There are other materials out there!
I don't agree with the idea that BG's teachings are not true because BG sinned. All teachers are sinners. King David was a horrible sinner, so there is an example of that. However, I would certainly wonder if the Lord would be able to reward BG in eternal places (unless BG's repentance was received by the Lord). It amazes me that God forgave King David the death penalty when he repented, so there's the example of that.
"I don't agree with the idea that BG's teachings are not true because BG sinned."
Mindy, to use your words, I don't know your age, but maybe you haven't been around very long. Nobody on the thread you are responding to has made the claim that what BG teaches is untrue simply because he sinned. If you are making that claim against what you think is some argument going on here, it is a straw man.
Bill Gothard's teachings are full of legalistic error, and that is a separate claim from his actions as a person.
Many Bible scholars and those involved in apologetics ministries have tried to correct Bill, and his typical tactic was to demonize them, and get his followers to demonize them.
Bill's definition of grace is unbiblical. His cherry picking of Old Testament laws that we should be following today is unbiblical (remember the ending of the Pineapple story - an unbiblical admonition that is contrary to Acts 15). His teaching on circumcision is unbiblical. His teaching comparing wives who work outside the home to harlots is unbiblical (yes, that is what he teaches). Women who have worked at the TCs have told us (one whom I met personally) that Bill told them that it was a sin for girls to ride horses (no, I am not making that up). His "discernment" shopping mall exercise is nothing more than teaching people to jump to conclusions about what is in other people's hearts. And so on and so forth. His whole teaching on rock music being evil is a huge exercise in circular reasoning. Almost every reason he gave in the list (I think it was 10 reasons) is a fallacy of circular reasoning called "begging the question," or "petitio principii." In short, in almost every argument he gives against rock music, he assumes the very thing he is trying to prove in the premises of the argument, and he twists Scripture like an over-heated wax nose in an attempt to "prove" his points.
All of this is false teaching. Bill could be the nicest person in the world and it would still be false teaching. Nobody is making the claim that because Bill sinned, that is what his makes his teaching false. The claim has been made that teachers need to be held to very high standards, or else they should not be teachers, but nobody has said that what Bill teaches is false because Bill sinned. Or maybe I missed that?? I admit sometimes I skim through the comments, but I tried to catch most of this thread.
Bill sinned badly against many people, and false teaching permeates every aspect of the seminars. Does he say some true things - sure, but on balance, he is a false teacher -- because the teachings are not true, not because he sinned.
Thank you, RG, for so clearly explaining the flaws of this dismissive, deceptive, defensive IBLP board statement. One could therefore say their perception is arrogant, lying, and blind to the truth.
I know one of the board members and several people who attend his church.I used to be one of them. We enjoyed the church and have contact and are friends with some others who still attend. Our reason for leaving had nothing to do with the pastor's teachings. With that being said it saddens me to see the response of the board. I think someone was correct on saying that the board might not have been fully informed of things that were told to Dr. Gibbs, but that doesn't mean it is excusable on what the boards decision was. I was wondering how I would graciously go about informing others at the church of what has happened. Many of them have used the ATI program and others have not. I am sure the pastor has mentioned this situation to a few of the deacons and elders and put a "caution" to not listen to the "gossip" about the situation from others who bring it up. I do not want to be seen as someone starting division in the church, but REALLY believe people need to know what is happening here. My thought was to refer them to RG, but I want them to truly understand the scope of what is going on and not just have them think I am a person starting rumors. Thank you
As usual, RG team, great job of describing the flaws of the IBLP board's statement.
IMO, the board is comprised of hand-picked "yes men", and the whole investigation was surely controlled behind the scenes by Gothard, just as was the scandal of 1980. I also speculate that the resignation of the three board members earlier this year was due to their unwillingness to go along with Gothard's plan, i.e., they were forced off.
RG states, "Our team has attempted to reach out to the board... These requests have been repeatedly rejected, apparently upon the advice of Gibbs Jr." Or upon the advice of Gothard? By keeping direct information from the board (using Gibbs as a filter), Gothard could perhaps reduce the risk of more defections from the board?
I was very interested in this news: "We have been made aware of at least one young woman who was interviewed by this investigation who did, in fact, testify to Gothard’s sexual harassment, as well as to blatant criminal behavior including labor law violations and failure to report sexual abuse of minors. Why was this not included in the report? Did the board immediately report it to the proper authorities? And if they did, why wouldn’t they disclose this information? Are there more allegations that they’ve decided are unimportant and not fitting their definition of criminal activity?"
The IBLP/ATI downfall may be accelerated by a criminal investigation re: labor laws and failure to report laws. Kind of reminds me of how the RICO Act opened up wider avenues of investigation of the mafia, leading to many prosecutions.
Again, RG, thank you so much for your excellent response!
I wonder if there is a whistleblower case? If everyone put together information on the payroll issues...
What are the next steps now that IBLP Board has indicated that they are not interested in making hard choices?
I've no doubt there is the desire/financial resources in the community to make something happen.
Do we as individuals need to write letters to the editor? Do we need to write to Nancy Grace of HLN? She seems very interested in defending those who have been sexually exploited. When I wrote to Joni Erikson Tada a couple of months ago about withdrawing her speaking engagement at ATI, she wrote back saying thank you but she would proceed. I think others then wrote her also, and she then withdrew herself from speaking. Sometimes it takes an onslaught to get people to sit up and take notice.
I was unaware that she had withdrawn. That is great. Good for you and others who contacted her. We should all be doing that. I tried with the Duggers to no avail.
Those who are speaking at ATI conferences need to know that we will remember if they turn a blind eye to an organization that facilitates the harassment and molestation of young women. I would suggest sending them links of Charlotte's story and others; send them the stories of those who shared with Bill Gothard their sexual abuse, and then were sent back home to be further abused.
Perhaps they really don't know about the atrocities, but if you send them the information they will never be able to claim that they never knew. With knowledge of these deeds comes responsibility. IBLP is doing nothing meaningful to address what has happened and is in every way white washing it, denying the most serious charges. There are so many who have given their testimony of illegal activities that it really is beyond the pail that they would take the stance that they know of nothing illegal that happened.
This is an excellent plan. Send this info to even more highly visible Christian leaders. We can still make a difference. We can continue to help Recovering Grace spread the word in the hope that many years of wrongs by IBLP/ATI/Gothard will be stopped.
Respectfully, I recommend Ruth's story and Meg's story to those who are resistant to the possibility that BG abused women. Charlotte's story is not even comprehensible without first accepting that is it's possible. Ruth and Meg had experiences that are far easier to confirm by other witnesses and therefore impossible to successfully invent. The more outrageous is more easily dismissed as implausible.
One female friend of mine claims that BG has file drawers full of letters from women who stated that God wanted them to marry BG. I suppose that convinces her that at least some women with stories have "come on" to him or wished he'd been more interested in them. Do not doubt that many have the perspective that he is a victim of his own success. Sad, but that is the way many think about famous and eligible men.
Kevin-- did you actually speak to the Duggar's about this. If so could you please share what there response was?
I've posted on the Duggar facebook page (TLC) about BG and RG and my comment was deleted. I also post on Ken Ham's (Answers in Genesis) facebook page concerning speaking at a Verity Institute commencement and my comment/question was also deleted. I am so angered by the willful ignorance in so many well known people. I was also sickened, but also understood now, the dynamic of the Duggar connection when I saw that Gil Bates (their best friend) is on the IBLP board. The injustice of it all is so disheartening...
I emailed them about 5 months ago and I received an auto-reply from Jim Bob, indicating that they were sorry that they could not respond personally, but here are some great resources. Ironically, their canned email attempted to steer me to IBLP's Embassy Institute to watch some great videos, by wonderful speakers such as Gil Bates and, get this, David Gibbs.
When I responded to the auto reply, I did not hear back again.
So, I don't see much hope of convincing them that David Gibbs could not produce a fair report about Bill Gothard.
And, they pretty much think that IBLP is the best thing to come along, since the invention of the side hug.
Pray for them.
it is a good idea to contact these people even though it may not do much good but at least at the great judgement they will have no excuse---"I never saw or heard anything to the contrary that my mighty ministry (in Your name, for Your glory, of course) ever had anything wrong with it."
But if it is THEIR ministry, then let them do whatever they want with it. God will separate the wheat from the tares.
It makes one wonder if asking all those people to speak (like Ken Ham, and whoever else) so that more and more groups or individuals are involved and IBLP can say, "But you see that Ken Ham, David Gibbs, etc have all spoken for us". Not justifying those speakers but just saying that maybe there is a method in their madness to have many speakers that they can brag on.
I have also been a little upset to hear that Ken Ham has spoken at many home school conferences with Doug Phillips, Scott Brown and others of that patriarchal group. Maybe I should also send an email to him about that. He spoke at two just this spring with Scott Brown and others (I can't remember all the names right now but knew they were on that p list.)
Yes, Bill does have a drawer full of those letters. He pulled several out and read it to a couple of us close staff girls for something funny. I remember laughing and thinking it funny but he does have all his marriage proposals.
It has been my experience that whenever there is a large, well-known and involved organization with many parts, branches, members, protocol, etc, (be it christian or secular)that when it has problems, that its leaders are uber-protective of the organization to the point of cover-up in order to keep that organization going and basically protect their interests be in monetary or pride or power. They also ignore or look down upon anyone who they perceive to be not part of the group. And woe to any one lower on the totem pole (or outside the organization) dares to speak up about any problem in that organization.
It is business first, last and always.
Wow, and amen. Well done, RG. Keep the pressure on and don't back down.
Tom Petty approves P.L.'s post.
Bravo Greg R! love it :)
...and persevere till Bill is free-fallin'
Ha to gregr! "Don't back down" was my preacher-dad's advice to his pants-wearing, college-going daughter that grew up in the midst of a den of Gothardites to become a CEO (definitely not an IBLP approved career choice). I still repeat it to myself--and listen to Tom Petty--as needed.
Excellent and thorough response RG. Kudos to you and all that you have done to uncover this scandal within the Christian community. Thank you!
Thank you RG for this response. I didn't expect much from the board but I was hoping that something good would come out of this. It is frustrating to see people still in ATI, ignoring those of us who grew up in it. My hope and prayer is that parents will take what we know and have shared and stop using the program. So many broken lives and hearts that were not necessary. It is heartbreaking to know this organization is still in business.
"To our knowledge, none of the women who have published their stories on Recovering Grace were personally approached for their statement in the IBLP investigation."
I had wondered about that, and appreciate the verification from you guys. That statement alone is so telling.
I agree! And it begs the question, WHY? Who better to approach than the ones who shared their stories? Whom DID they approach, come to think of it?
I was wondering about that statement. Later the article says, "We have been made aware of at least one young woman who was interviewed by this investigation who did, in fact, testify to Gothard’s sexual harassment . . . " Is this talking about a different investigation or a different set of people? It sounds in this sentence like some of the girls were interviewed.
A different set of people Rachel.
This is so true. If you will not interview the women who were harmed what good is an investigation. This is just a snow job to get back to "business as usual." No wonder the world looks at Chrsitians as hypocrites.
Recovering Grace, an organization whose leadership team members hide in an internet closet, trying to justify the cloaking of their identity, chastise IBLP for lack of transparency? A bit audacious don't you think?
If you're all for transparency "MM," why not use your actual name? Pot calling the kettle black, don't you think?
Don't give a troll the time of day - it encourages them. Ignore them and they go back in hiding...
They just want a reaction, any reaction.
You mean like the way a couple of them have gone on the radio with their names? https://www.recoveringgrace.org/2014/03/recovering-grace-interviewed-on-christian-talk-radio/
If you really look into this, a number of them and the women who have posted are known.
But many parts of RG don't depend on the author's name, like the analysis of teachings. So there's plenty to learn here. Enjoy!
MM, no I don't. Why didn't you include your picture, address and phone # on your comment?
What is incomprehensible is that cult members like you choose to ignore the reprehensible actions and nonBiblical teaching of a pervert, while ignoring the pain suffered by so many. Wait, that's what cult members do: blindly follow the teachings and actions of the false teaching cult leader.
I know this will come across as harsh or bitter to some. But the actions of BG over decades make me sick, as does the lack of concern and love for the victims by BG supporters. May The Lord bless and protect those who have been hurt. And may He protect and rescue those still in harms way...
And may He give wisdom and direction to RG as they continue to shine light upon the darkness!
Seeing how Mr. Gothard seems to viciously, personally attacks those who disagree with him (see Tony's story), can you blame RG's authors? One of the reason's Mr. Gothard is now *finally* being held accountable is that he is unable to tear apart people, one by one, isolated from a support system. That is one of the ways Mr. Gothard got away with what he did for so long. It's time for him to man up and face the music.
Also read Ruth's Story, and see the How to Guard Against Defilement
that Comes from Listening to an Evil Report document he sent to Ruth and Larne, accompanied by what seemed to be an apologetic letter. He can't be trusted.
I'm sure they'll come clean when Bill does, MM.
Its called protecting the identity of those who were abused by that so called man of God
MM, are your own initials not a cloak? The RG approach IS justified in their FAQ section. The reasoning posted may not satisfy you, but it is far more than just "trying." As for "hiding in an internet closet," I really do hope you can see the audacious fallacy in your own phrase! (And thanks for motivating my first post after lurking here the past five months.)
Haha! Like on the de-lurking. Great way to come out in support of RG!
I'm not sure RG's anonymity is relevant. If IBLP is in the right, they have little to lose and everything to gain by a REAL independent investigation and TRANSPARENCY. Why not?
Does that change the actual facts of the matter, or do they even matter? I used to be in ATI. I used to participate in summary dismissals of people who weren't like-minded or worse, had "authority issues." It's no more than a mental gymnastic to facilitate denial.
A whistleblower group is not the same as a spiritual leadership group. Different functions, different responsibility, different accountability.
The critical thing is whether a whistle blower is accurate. Thus far RG seems to have been doing far more due diligence than people who hold titles.
MM you take the cake for the most ignorant trollish post on the thread so far. The founders of Recovering Grace are public with who they are and what their purpose is. I'm not sure if you are intentionally trying to mislead with false statements or if you actually believe the garbage that the cult has fed you. You can listen to the interview with Dr. John Cornish and Kari Underwood, RG co-founders here:
ou can listen to http://issuesetc.org/2014/03/17/1-abuse-allegations-against-bill-gothard-founder-of-the-institute-in-basic-life-principles-dr-john-cornish-and-kari-underwood-31714/
You would do well to listen to the interview, if your leaders will allow you to do so.
Audacious, you say, MM? Let's talk about blatant deception about the legal counsel IBLP chose to "investigate" the issues at hand with Bill, by refusing to disclose their legal counsel is a longtime friend and speaks at the ATI conferences. Let's talk about whitewashing of sin by defining sexually harassing of young girls as merely "inappropriate."
Now how does that compare to some people trying to keep their identity confidential so they're not harassed by Bill or IBLP?
Wow - even the M&M guys are weighing in on this. Are you the red one or the yellow one? Can I have your autograph? :)
Jim K.
(*Yawn*) They always say that arsonists can't help themselves returning to the scene of the fire they've set, watching the flames rise from a safe distance away. I guess this is the online equivalent, so do what you must, MM - but be assured that there's professional help for those with needs similar to yours.
So, what is RG going to do about it? Isn't there something that can be done to stop the organization that has been the cause of so much pain and suffering to young women, fathers and mothers and children and everyone in between? I will be praying that something will be done, that something can be done. How on earth can you do what Bill Gothard did without sexual intent? He wouldn't have been touching those girls at all, much less in their private areas or being so intimate if he didn't have sexual intent. You just don't touch someone like that if you are just a friendly father figure. BG's mind is so twisted if he really actually thinks that he can behave like that and not have sexual intent. I am disgusted and at the same time perplexed.
Gothard's statement regarding "intent" reveals just how absolutely clueless he is about the true nature of sexual harassment. Unreal.
To the fine staff of Recovering Grace, thank you as ever for your endeavors to fight the good fight. Clearly, this is not over yet. My prayer is that true Justice shall prevail and the victims do get their day in court where BG and IBLP are forced into public apologies, repentance, and compensation for the victims.
"Gothard is clueless about intent". He is clueless about it because he is a man who is used to stacking the deck in his favor and being financially padded by gifts of supporters. Think about it. The man has had completely unlimited access to money all these years. He is accountable to no one. IBLP does not disclose their financial information, as seen when the audit was done in the 1980's. This has given him a lot of power. So corruption is the natural result. And corrupt this organization is!!
He makes the rules. He does not even operate according to the laws of the land in regard to labor and appropriate behavior in the workplace. Then he puts a willing and supportive board in place.
Throw in the support of some heavyweight preachers like Charles Stanley.
A fraudulent jerk masquerading as a Christian teacher, insulated from ever having to truly give account of himself, enabled by other people who call themselves Christians.
He has the audacity to want to continue to work with young people? Any parent that would consent to him directly working with their children in light of all this information must condone abuse. What a disgusting pig.
I agree. Very well stated, Phyllis.
In response to the discussion (found on Facebook) regarding whether or not Mr. Gothard was violating the law by failing to report abuse that had been described to him during a counseling session:
The original mandated reporting act was passed in Illinois in 1975 and applies to seven groups of people: school personnel, medical personnel, social service and mental health personnel, law enforcement personnel, coroner/medical examiner personnel, child care personnel, and clergy.
The act has been expanded at least a couple times since then. The full text of the 2012 act can be found here: http://www.ilga.gov/legislation/ilcs/ilcs3.asp?ActID=1460&ChapterID=32
Thank you for the information on the law. He broke the law. The Board has been made aware of this. Their statement, and the so called investigation are an attempt to cover up his illegal activity. This was no independent investigation. I pray for justice.
I thought this was about Sin not legality.
I had sex with some girl last night, but it's okay since we did nothing illegal.
As usual RG, you nailed it.
I am at a complete loss of words as to the actions of IBLP. I know that doesn't help a blog. Nothing I could say can quantify how I feel about the ineptness of the board or narcissism and hypocrisy of Bill Gothard.
I have a great deal more confidence in the integrity of some of the individuals I know involved in the investigation
than I do in the faceless unidentifiable uninvestigated individuals in Recovering Grace who I'm inclined to believe have more of an agenda to discredit the teachings of Gothard than anything else.
Would you be willing to name the individuals you have confidence in, who are involved in the investigation? That might be more helpful than vague faceless endorsements.
From the IBLP statement:
All of us are reminded of our need to look to Jesus and to His Word “for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness” (II Timothy 3:16). We are committed to evaluating each part of the ministry on the basis of God’s Word, and we encourage everyone to search the Scriptures to determine what is true, as did the Bereans (see Acts 17).
If, while obeying this directive from the board, Bill's teaching is discredited, then isn't that a good thing ?? I'm more interested in the question "does the teaching agree with GOD"s word" than I am "have 'x' number of people been (allegedly) blessed by it".
Roger, "It is also important to note that, during the course of this investigation, not one of the women who have shared their stories on our site were personally contacted by Gibbs Jr. or his investigative team, including Charlotte, who alleged molestation."
They had their chance to talk with these people whom you call "unidentifiable uninvestigated individuals", and chose not to. What does that tell you?
The "investigation" aside, Gothard indicted himself with his comment in the Sun-Times elevating perp intent over victim perception. Not to mention his theology is clearly and obviously erroneous in many respects. IBLP needs to address the theology issues. Why doesn't it?
Also, Roger, I've requested a copy of IBLP's Child Protection Policy, but to date I have not received a response. The fact that IBLP either doesn't have one, or is unwilling to share it is a huge red flag, and lends zero credibility and integrity to IBLP leadership.
Mosessister, last year, during some email correspondence with Mr. Gothard, I asked what IBLP's policy was for reporting abuse and what trainings they did for new staff re: sexual harassment training. In his reply, Mr. Gothard suggested that he and I pray for each other (I don't think he'd appreciate the prayer I prayed for him, which was that he'd step down and recant his teachings).
I work in HR; if someone, anyone, Joe from off the street, asked me what my company policy was regarding abuse training/reporting, sexual harassment policy/training, I would simply reach across my desk, grab my company handbook, and read it to them (its on page 18, btw). I don't care why they are asking. The company I work for is only 12 years old, IBLP has had 40+ years to get something together like this.
There is no excuse in my mind, for not having this kind of policy in place.
That is because they don't have one. I have this in writing from a couple of current IBLP members. They talk in circles when I ask repeatedly what exactly their policy is.
It came out in the news that they are clueless as to the need to report. But since when has IBLP paid attention to complying with current laws?
Why would you put any faith that the investigation, being conducted by a man who has been a friend of Bill Gothard's for 40 years, could possibly be a fair and unbiased investigation? He has had ties to the organization for many years and has been a speaker (I presume paid, as IBLP speakers are paid) and, thus, has a financial incentive to protect the organization.
Do you understand the role that legal counsel takes with respect to their clients? Imagine the OJ Simpson case. Remember Johnnie Cochran, OJ Simpson's friend and attorney? Now, imagine that Johnnie Cochran were put in charge of investigating whether Simpson murdered Nicole Simpson and Ron Goldman and then concludes in his investigation that OJ did nothing illegal. Would you believe it? Would you believe it to be unbiased and fair? Would it be just? Why on Earth would you put confidence in the integrity and neutrality of an investigation conducted by legal counsel who is Bill Gothard's good friend?
Thank you RG for all your hard work invested in the site and in the lives of countless victims. There is truly only ONE who knows everything involved. God will work His justice in due time...because the "Board" has failed to do what was right. In respect to Gothard's "explanation" on intent.... certainly reminded me of another known leader who tried to "twist" the truth...."I smoked...but I didn't inhale". God have mercy on this situation!!!!!
Some great quotes from a couple of well-known Bills...
"there is not a sexual relationship, an improper sexual relationship or any other kind of improper relationship."--Bill Clinton
“Sexual harassment is to a large extent intent, and my intent was never to harass them.”--Bill Gothard
"I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky"--Bill Clinton
"I do want to state that I have never kissed a girl nor have I touched a girl immorally or with sexual intent"--Bill Gothard
"These allegations are false. And I need to go back to work for the American people. Thank you."--Bill Clinton
I just have a desire to work with and encourage the young people that I have served in the past and I want to continue that on a personal basis.”--Bill Gothard
Wow! Putting their statements side by side is very enlightening!!
BRILLIANT response Hunter. Standing O from my tiny little piece of America.
For the win.
Thank you! Tears... maybe Jesus isn't how I have seen Him lived...
Anonymous, May I assure you that you can trust completely the Jesus found in God's Word. Please go there and bask in the riches of His love and Grace and forgive those of us who completely misrepresented Him to you. My greatest grief is that I did just that for years and hid behind a cloak of hypocrisy and justification. I pleaded with my daughter that Jesus was not like me. That she trust and look to and believe that He was righteous and worthy of her trust. Forgive the stumbling blocks so callously placed before you. I pray you find true peace and hope in Jesus and His loving grace!
Folks, if there is any way you just want to take a break and throw up your hands and laugh like a demented person over the outrageousness of it all, this may help. However, given the other "Bill's" equally ghastly lies — if not worse ones — this tune may require a remix.
Bill Clinton (as portrayed by satirist Paul Shanklin) sings "Carol of the Bills"
(Thanks to Karen Hall for reminding me of this.)
Thank you, Recovering Grace, for an excellent analysis of the IBLP Board's response and Gothard's statement in the press. May God continue to keep you strong in the fight for justice.
There seems to be a real plague in the Christian realm these days of big personality and organizations who act like lawless tyrants and then squirm with half-apologies and self-righteous deflections when the heart of the person/organization is exposed. I take Gothard to mean by "no sexual intent" that he never intended to actually have sex with the girls he harassed...the key word is "sexual" not "intent." The fact that he did these activities only with young girls and always with attractive young ladies shows that it had nothing to do with being "fatherly" and was in fact in tune with their sexuality. "No sexual intent" is a bunch of bull. What a slap in the face of these girls' faces and really all of ours.
Bill Gothard does not strike me as a very manly man and he never has. His mousiness has been confused as meekness by many but now his true cowardliness is in the papers. For all the emphasis on "character" that we ATI kids were really abused with its so ironic that the pattern exposes despicable character by BG himself. The pattern of cowardice really pops out in the way the Institute built itself in isolation from scholarly review. How many anecdotal stories were used to twist each scripture and oversell each "insight" or even just take a common Christian truth and rebrand it "IBLP" without proper citation and footnotes. Cowardice. Narcissism. The character of the leader and the character of the organization is on display...an organization that was supposed to be about character. Its a disgusting irony. Shame on the board for ducking the light of real exposure.
Two things. They are beside the fact, as the larger issue is this whole heartbreaking mess. But indulge me.
First of all, it annoys me that Mr. Gothard says he wants to continue to "serve" the young people he "served" in the past. It was US serving HIM in the name of the Lord's work. In the Training Centers and all of his programs. I never saw him serve at a Training Center. I never saw him vacuum, wash dishes, clean a room....didn't Jesus Himself wash his disciples' dirty feet?
Secondly, since he has built a huge ministry on taking everything to the Word of God ---- WHERE does the Word talk about intent? Where does it give examples of sin being justified by a lack of intent? How cruel is it to toss aside the person who was used and dismiss the action that happened because we're supposed to just blindly accept that in the offender's MIND it meant nothing? REALLY???
Wow! No surprises here.
I know everyone hoped but the board and billy boy have responded the same as in the past and it was predictable.
Just because a snake sheds it skin doesn't equate to a born again happening.
What with billy steppin down, the board, the phoney crooked investigation on their part, their reply, his newspaper interview all show how important this website is and has been. Thank God for RG and all those who have been involved and following what's taken place and happening now. Thank you!
The truth will set you free
Has there ever been a "ministry" this delusional?
A chorus of people out here saying here's my story, please stop, here's the pain it causes and yet they continue to proudly lead a select few down a treacherous and dead end path.
I have read hundreds of stories of those who left cults such as 7th Day Adventist, Mormon, Patriarchal, Quiverfull, other Christian fundy groups and it is ironic how their stories all sound the same. Basically free will and free thought and "this is how you shall live and think and dress" etc were pushed. What is interesting that in the deeper darker groups, there was no freedom of choice to leave (wait, is this not America?) but threats of differing severity, ruined reputations from false stories spread about the person by the head honchos.
This disease of oppression of thought is more widespread than we think. Whole countries such as China and N. Korea make IBLP look like a picnic. Even our own country is shaping what we are supposed to think about certain issues. Try disagreeing with the gay agenda and see what happens.
The dirty 'lil secret the Board does not want to address is the scriptural role for organizations such as IBLP. This is why these large mega-churches/para-church organizations stick together. The only standing/authority they have is what they can convince people to give them.
To be plain - Scriptural mandate for para-church organizations does not exist. The closest parallel is the moneychangers and animal sellers in the temple. They were allowed to exist as worship-enablers, not divinely appointed mechanisms for worship.
When the worship-enablers elevated their status as being equivalent to the established mechanisms, or when they shifted their focus from being enablers to being profiteers, they were roundly punished.
What the board is MOST scared of is the Christian community realizing that para-church organizations are NOT divinely ordained mechanisms for spiritual encouragement. The scripture and history is clear - The Church, The Holy Spirit, and The Word are the three legs of the path to Godliness.
Hat tip to RG for continuing to expose the fallacy in a man who, on his own authority, elevated himself far above the place God had for him, and for forcing the Board to address these issues.
My synopsis is that enough information has been presented to the public for sincere believers to see the danger in Bill's teachings. At this point, the only folks who continue down this path are those who are too emotionally invested in Bill, those who are too lazy to examine the scripture on their own, and those who are actually attracted by a system of thought that provides top-cover for a dictatorial leadership style.
Wow, I couldn't agree more! And, para-church organizations only get and gain support because the True Church in many cases has left it's first love! God help us to be image bearers and the true body of Jesus to a lost, dying and deceived world. Broad is the road that leads to destruction. How many of these so-called ministries are just vehicles to a works based faith? Truly the blind leading the blind . Scary!
Don't project your deep analysis on them. They are just ducking and covering to live another day. Their place in the biblical scheme is furthest from their thoughts. The violence they have done to the local church over the years shows they don't care. Only their "way" is important, and their leader is lost so they cover, hoping he can find himself before everyone jumps ship.
Don, I really appreciate your thoughtful, knowledgable responses here. I find it frightening to grasp that "Their place in the biblical scheme is furthest from their thoughts." Can they be so devoid of truth that all of this is just selfish preservation? I lived so many years justifying my anger and believing my outbursts to my children were based on their disobedience to my authority... Really believing I was justified. But, in that besetting state the Holy Spirit always spoke to my soul "the anger of man does not achieve the righteousness of God." Finally, I saw and He brought me to repentance . If I was not beyond His reach and grace, I guess I hope and pray they are not either. Maybe I am not understanding what you said. Also, this is a bit of a bunny trail. For that, I apologize .
Libby - I will take the liberty of answering for Don.
The answer is a resounding yes. If they cared about following ROM 13:10
"Love does no harm to his neighbor, therefore love is the perfect fulfillment of the law."
then they would have gone head over heels backwards trying to find and address all those who had been harmed, and make it right with them before they moved forward in a "sweep it under the rug and tell everybody we are running a vacuum cleaner" manner.
The board, IMHO, is now just as culpable now as Bill, given their assumption of responsibility and superficial addressal of it.
Libby, by "biblical scheme" I meant only to address the church structure you raised with respect to parachurch organizations. I'm a bit of an engineer. I hope that was not confusing. Their "way" refers to "Giving the World a New Approach..." That is their reason for existence. If it is fake, they don't survive. It was my way of comprehending their short view approach without agreeing with it.
Thank you, Gentlemen. I actually often feel awful grief about what I read here. I have no defense whatsoever for the action of BG, ATI/IBLP and it's board members. I was blind to myself for a terribly long time and did great damage to my children, my husband, my testimony for The Lord (I have been a Pastors wife for over thirty years). Thankfully, twenty years ago The Grace of God opened my eyes. I know, but for His Grace I would have continued to be a hypocritical , blind , proud legalistic mother, wife and 'Christian'. I pray that somehow BG and all will come to there senses, repent and be willing to do whatever it takes to make things right. My salvation and sanctification is all of Christ alone. I pray that true justice will be done.
Jesus has already done everything to make things right. BG needs to stop relying on his own righteousness and enter into the Grace that has been purchased for him. As do we all.
Walking in such light, IBLP and BG could find acts of repentance and make some modest restitution, but they cannot restore what sin has damaged. Only Jesus can do that.
One of the top posts I've seen on RG.
I don't know that they are consciously thinking along those lines. My feelings is they are scrambling for someone as persuasive as Bill to sell IBLP to the masses/faithful few. Great post though.
I agree that the parachurch organization should never try to take the place of the Church. But I'm not sure that's the issue here. There are churches that are every bit as narrow, controlling, legalistic as ILBP and worse, and pastors who are just as bad as Gothard.
So true.
What Sharon said.... the issue is not really church/para-church but character and Christlikeness in the leaders of whatever group we are talking about. Polity matters, structure matters, but a church can easily hide behind what is allegedly a NT structure, and still march to a smimilar BG tune. Happens all the time.
Moral: look at the fruit: does the group/leaders produce good fruit or bad fruit ?? Are there goals and priorities Kingdom (of Jesus) driven, or something else ??
Each time I read RG's comments on the IBLP Statement, or any part of it, I am more impressed with RG and their handling of this entire thing... A fiasco, so to speak, that was handed to them by the ordination of God, so He could use RG to set people free.
Exposure of the true nature of an organization or leader may take a while to flush out. Many people have given so much Time and money to this organization that to see it for what the fruit says that it is would be too heart breaking. I believe that God's grace in this situation is the exposure of the truth. Crumbling of man made structures can hurt but to be humble it is important to say - bring it on God. I want your Glory. Not the glory of Bill Gothard.
Thanks ...Wolf Hunter!!
If IBLP ran the courts:
So, defendant, what you are telling me was that your "intent" was to drive straight home from the bar. You did not "intend" to collide with and kill that family of 4 innocent people and then cause thousands more property damage as you attempted to drive from the scene while being 5 times the legal limit for intoxicated driving.
Ok, since your "intentions" were honorable, we find you not guilty of vehicular manslaughter, not responsible for monetary damages, and hereby reinstate your driver's license.
These guys have no grip on reality whatsoever.
Sigh. :(
Indeed. It is so absolutely insane.
But if we want to bring the analogy even closer, in this Kangaroo Court, the person acting as judge would be the defendant's attorney and the jury would be his buddies from the bar.
I once attended a meeting that David Gibbs Jr. spoke at in Montgomery, Alabama. (An ACE conference.) Gibbs gave a short fiery sermon that I actually enjoyed and mostly agreed with. Then he showed a video of Christian persecution in the US, true cases he'd been involved with. THEN the theatrical fear mongering broke out and the host of the meeting got up to beg for a love offering so "Dear Bro. Gibbs" could keep fighting to protect us.
The big buckets were passed and you would not believe the money that poured into them. I was sitting about 2/3 from the front and by the time the bucket got to our row it was crammed full of cash and the men passing the buckets had to keep pushing it down.
Then a few years passed and I found out that "Dear Bro. Gibbs" doesn't really defend Christians who are being persecuted, he defends churches and para-church ministries that have been caught covering up sex abuse.
And that is the person that Gothard hired to "investigate," his very good friend of many years, David Gibbs Jr.
"Then a few years passed and I found out that "Dear Bro. Gibbs" doesn't really defend Christians who are being persecuted, he defends churches and para-church ministries that have been caught covering up sex abuse."
There is a reason why Gibbs was hand picked to do this investigation. I suspect, also, that this is the reason that Gothard has kept Gibbs close for decades, often having him speak at IBLP events. It is my understanding that he pays speakers very well. How many other times has Gothard gone to Gibbs for help over the years?
Thank you, RG, for your excellent response to the board. I think it is time that we stop giving the board the benefit of the doubt and realize that they are probably as crooked as Bill. Considering that they:
*Fail to call sin SIN
*Fail to properly deal with Bill and leave the door open for him to come back
*Fail to understand the gravity of the "allegations"
*Fail to shut down the organization
*Fail to acknowledge that anything very serious occurred
*Fail to conduct a REAL investigation
*Fail to understand that we were deceived by a minister of Satan (Bill)
--they have aligned themselves with a sexual predator and minister of Satan and must be viewed as such. I know this is harsh, but their actions lead me to no other conclusion.
12 But what I do, that I will do, that I may cut off occasion from them which desire occasion; that wherein they glory, they may be found even as we.
13 For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ.
14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.
15 Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.
2 Corinthians 11:12-15
I've been reading about the ABWE (Association of Baptists for World Evangelism) scandal involving a very well-known missionary who was an equal-opportunity sexual predator (women and children). The children grew up, reported what happened, and outrage was increasingly directed at the president and other top leaders for how they'd allowed the predator to continue. New leadership said they'd change things, but THEY didn't. It ended up being coverup on top of coverup, for years and years. Just in the past two years, many men were fired, removed and disgraced - for failing to take action when information was presented to them. Take note, BOD. The Gothard scandal is not going away, and unless you take a stand for the victims, you will have a lasting legacy of a kind you'd rather not have.
Amen! They are trying to take the position that there has not been any illegal activity. In doing so, they got the headline that they wanted, at least from the local Oak Brook paper: http://oakbrook.suntimes.com/2014/06/19/news-bill-gothard-institute-in-basic-life-principles-investigation-did-not-act-criminally-oak-brook/
It is beyond absurd to make such a claim, when then know otherwise. It is beyond absurd that they would say that based on the victims interviewed, there is no evidence of criminal activity, when they didn't even interview those who have accused Gothard of criminal activity. Who do they think they will fool with that approach and for how long?
Furthermore, their statement that no criminal activity was found was an outright lie: "We have been made aware of at least one young woman who was interviewed by this investigation who did, in fact, testify to Gothard’s sexual harassment, as well as to blatant criminal behavior including labor law violations and failure to report sexual abuse of minors. Why was this not included in the report?"
Indeed, why was this not included in the report? Let us keep asking this question of the Board. What kind of joke of a report is this that just ignores testimony that does not fit the David Gibbs narrative?
IMO, it's too late for a current board member to just resign. They must all take a victim-oriented position, and quickly. Think Joe Paterno.
Some links for the ABWE scandal:
There are a lot of similarities here.
RG team, thank you for your thoughtful response. You nailed it!
"Our team has attempted to reach out to the board several times in hopes of meeting and sharing our hearts with them in person or by phone. We have expressed our strong belief that personal interactions with our team and the information we hold are crucial to their investigation. These requests have been repeatedly rejected, apparently upon the advice of Gibbs Jr."
Clearly, this report was no investigation, attempting to discover the truth. This report was nothing more than a tool, to minimize what has happened to these women and to try to take control of the narrative, so that they could falsely proclaim: "Nothing illegal happened".
"We have been made aware of at least one young woman who was interviewed by this investigation who did, in fact, testify to Gothard’s sexual harassment, as well as to blatant criminal behavior including labor law violations and failure to report sexual abuse of minors. Why was this not included in the report? "
One is left angry and speechless with this. Based on this fact, this report and the IBLP statement are totally false. There was evidence of criminal activity and they are sitting on it. They must not be allowed to get away with this.
What is most disturbing are the statements from Bill Gothard:
"I just have a desire to work with and encourage the young people that I have served in the past and I want to continue that on a personal basis.”
Say what??? Bill Gothard has a problem. He needs professional help. He should not be allowed anywhere near young people. We can not allow him to continue to victimize young women. But, if nothing is done, and he is not made to truly face what he has done, history will repeat. He has continued this behavior for 40 years. He was caught at least once before. He continued to do it for another 38 years after he was caught red handed. Let the voices of those who have been victimized continue to be heard.
For those of you who have been molested by Bill Gothard, but have not yet told your story, I ask that you would prayerfully consider telling your story. It is totally understandable if you do not want to do so, but I just pray that you would consider it. God will direct you as to the right thing to do. Right now, Charlotte stands alone for those particular accusations, and Gothard is claiming her testimony is a lie. I believe her, and we know she is not the only one.
What is most disturbing are the statements from Bill Gothard:
"I just have a desire to work with and encourage the young people that I have served in the past and I want to continue that on a personal basis.”
My thoughts--YIKES! Personal basis?
He's a bad example to the boys and a menace to the girls, so what does that leave?
One word...Gross!
One problem with our anger is that it clouds our thinking. It took me until today to realize a HUGE problem with the Board's statement:
They have announced a conclusion, judgment and punishment on a matter after only "a preliminary investigation". This process filled the role of a grand jury within the corporation. Facts were sought and probable cause was determined that something unacceptable happened (yes, only "inappropriateness", but hear me out). But that is only the first step to an full examination of such charges. Next comes a full and fair hearing, allowing the accused to offer a defense. Did Gothard get a hearing? Did he offer counter witnesses? Did he waive any hearing or admit all the findings? The Board does not say. Rather, they present themselves as jumping to a conclusion about the Institute President without offering him a hearing. Thus they avoid the hard work of proving a case or obtaining a full admission. And if Gibbs did prosecute and judge, they do not offer any credentials of his unbiased qualification to do so. (A lot of good police investigators would make terribly biased judges and a biased investigator is worthless.)
Here's what a full hearing would show: Did Gibbs accuse Gothard of harassment? Or does Gibbs think harassment requires intent like Gothard does? Did the Board agree with Gothard that harassment requires intent, or does Gothard publicly dispute the Board's conclusion that he harassed employees? If they did not offer him a hearing, he can sue them for unreasonable dismissal and for slander (if he had exonerating evidence that was not considered). If they did give him a hearing or he waived it, they neglect to declare the result of that process as to admissions, a plea of "no contest", etc.
If this was a court judgment it would not last a minute on appeal because it does not have sufficient findings on all these matters to support the judgment or punishment.
With Gothard's latest statement about "intent", which clearly shows his true character, the focus is shifting from Gothard to the board. Can't you imagine how puffed up these men probably felt being asked to sit on the board? What an honor, they thought. And now this. Reminds me a little of the book of Esther. What little girl doesn't want to be QUEEN? Then Mordecai tells her, "Do not imagine that you in the king's palace can escape any more than all the Jews. For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place and you and your father's house will perish." Gulp. Esther is spoken of to this day for the courage it took to say, "If I perish, I perish." There is still time, board members, to do the right thing. Stand with the victims or be numbered with the perpetrators. Step one? Fire Gibbs. Step two? Hire G.R.A.C.E. Step three? Reach out to victims. Step four? Report everything to the public.
Yes, Venessa!
1. Fire Gibbs
2. Hire G.r.a.c.e.
3. Reach out to victims
4. Report everything to public
Pray to this end...
What Vanessa said: add a world cup win over germany, and I'll approve that list anyday...
What makes the jaw of a rational person drop is just more of the same and true to form for someone running low on excuses but still desperate to define reality for his audience in a way that will maintain his illusion of innocence. Sadly, he is counting on some to buy this, and even sadder, some apparently are still willing to.
Asked if he engaged in sexual harassment, Gothard said, “Sexual harassment is to a large extent intent, and my intent was never to harass them.”
His *actions* have been witnessed and described, in spite of his trying to silence and discredit those who have talked. The *effects* of his repeated behaviors on young women, employees, volunteers, followers, and customers have been documented, in spite of his trying to silence and discredit them, too. Pretty much all that's left to cling to and stand behind is something that nobody can really argue with, his *intent.* So enter the ludicrous two-part argument that (a) his intent was honorable, and (b) his intent matters.
Actually, the "my intent was never to harass them" part is believable, if you look at it closely. He just meant to satisfy his perverted appetite for pleasure, and incidentally had to use them to do it. That it hurt them in any way is beyond what his narcissistic mindset is capable of comprehending. Ask the drunk driver about the crossroads of effect and intent, where effect not only trumps, but crushes intent ... but remember we're not talking about a rational person here, but one purely motivated by maintenance of illusion.
So ... when defenses of actions and effects no longer work, then the defense of intent is all there is right now. So he claims "intent [not] to harass them," which is possibly true, but can't be argued anyway, and now just has to convince some poor fools that it matters. So he throws a ridiculous assertion at a reporter in the form of an everyday common-sense fact and couples it with the part nobody can really argue with. He knows as well as anybody the difference between effect and intent. He knows as well as anybody that sexual harassment isn't defined in terms of intent. But he can claim a fallacy in hopes we'll buy it and draw the conclusion he has orchestrated. Old trick, but it's worked pretty well for him in the past ... why would we expect anything different now?
Sunlight is a disinfectant. Some people would rather stay infected.
[…] against Gothard to light, expressed its concern with the board’s findings. In a 3,000-word statement released today, the group said the board report was a “severe disappointment” that minimized […]
IBLP is in good company. Take a look at some of the other "ministries" that David Gibbs Jr has represented. For example, Bethesda Home for Girls. They were accused of beating girls and young women with wooden boards, including pregnant women and shaming them for having sex out of wedlock:
"Pregnant girls are repeatedly told they are worse than murderers for having sex out of wedlock,'' the affidavit said. ''Pregnant girls are demeaned in front of other girls."
"Pam Hurd, a pregnant girl who has been at the Bethesda Home for Girls for two months, was beaten a week ago by Linda Williams in her office with a wooden board. Pam Hurd returned from Mrs. Williams's office crying and in great pain"
"Mr. Gibbs stressed during his cross-examination of Donna and Cindy T. that all the girls at the home were aware that the home had strict rules of discipline based on their religious convictions. Cindy, 16, of Quitman, Miss., testified that she was beaten several times for talking about her past, talking about fleeing the home, and for getting low grades in the academic program. "
Also, please see the link below regarding his involvement with the First Baptist Church of Hammond regarding the Jack Schaap rape of a teen girl situation:
Do you trust this man to complete a thorough investigation about the allegations of wrongdoing involving Bill Gothard? Is there anyone who honestly believes that this was a real investigation? Or do you think that maybe, just maybe, the goal from the start was to produce a report that gave cover and effectively said: "Nothing criminal happened here"
[…] As I read the response something was glaringly missing. IBLP had earlier claimed they had “outside legal counsel” that would conduct a “thorough review process” but, did the “outside legal counsel,” David C. Gibbs Jr., interview the 37 women who had made their accusations by telling their stories on the Recovering Grace website? To our knowledge, none of them were contacted. This is a point which was also picked up and commented on by Recovering Grace in their Our Response to the IBLP Board Statement : […]
The last section of the Midwest Christian Outreach blog post above that reads: "Will they [the IBLP board] love Bill or just keep up with the kisses?" really bothers me. The focus needs to be on all those hurt by Bill. They are the ones who need the love. However, I know the MCO does care about the victims...
In the big wide secular world, this is what happens to "inappropriate": http://www.boston.com/news/local/massachusetts/articles/2012/02/05/fired...
And conservative Christians think they can get away with less?
I guess what I find most appalling is how legalism often is a coverup for deeper sin and its entanglements. It somehow distracts us and takes our eyes off of serious suffering around us, and makes us focus on the wrong thing. I can't believe my teenager-hood was spent discussing and debating how a Christian ought to dress or not to dress, while abuse was going on behind closed doors. Then when someone opens the door and sees whats going on, we don't even want to use the word SIN to describe it.
This, K! The most legalistic members of my (former) church were the most willing to cover up an abusive pastor's sin. I had always been frustrated by their fixation on rules, but believed that underneath were sincere hearts. I found out, with surprise and dismay, that they had no interest in true purity or heart or rightness in God's eyes, only in their twisted definitions.
Legalism, of the Gothard variety or not, is lipstick on a pig. And that's a insult to the pig, which is a very nice animal.
Absolutely, I was caught in this trap/lie over my own sin! Thank God he opened my eyes. Legalism is exactly how you describe it. I hid behind legalism for years in pride. Breaks my heart today.
[…] Here is Recovering Grace’s response to this statement. […]
Something I find very offensive with this situation (aside from the obvious disregard for the women he molested and harassed) is how high of a standard we as students were expected to live under. I remember having conversations about Bill's type and being able to pick out who he was going to ask to be part of his personal entourage. Some of us even jokingly referred to them as his harem. Yet, if we even gave out a hint of having a crush on someone it was swift, severe, and immediate punishment. How many of us were sent home in shame, and had our reputations destroyed over nothing? I did. Over nothing. I still have intense feelings of shame over something that was so utterly ridiculous. After over a decade of stuffing it I finally was able to talk about it with my counselor. Who was stunned that I was treated in such a despicable way over something that wasn't even offensive. I have nothing to be ashamed over and I have spent years feeling ashamed. He has so much to answer for and walks away. I would like to see him treated the same way he treated his staff for far lesser offenses.
As far as him serving us - hahahahaha! We worked for hours to make sure everything was perfect for him when he came to training centers. We went without sleep, and scrubbed carpets so things would be perfect for him. He changed perfectly good furniture upholstery because it wasn't the right color. I have nothing to show for my time at the training center except for a trail of tears and brokenness.
His statement about what his "intent" was is absolutely ridiculous. That is evidenced in the way he treated our crushes as staff and telling us that we did not have a "courtship spirit". That statement alone is almost laughable if there were not a trail of weary and hurt staff behind him. I have a feeling that he is going to be hard pressed to find "offended" former students and staff that even want to "reconcile" with him. For him to make right what he has done through the years will take a heck of a lot more than an apology. No, I am not bitter. I am moving on with my life figuring out the untold damages that I have kept silent about through the years. My life no longer revolves around Bill Gothard and for that I am eternally grateful.
KB, Your story is duplicated by numerous people I know who served (slaved?) at headquarters. I'm so sorry that you were mistreated. You are right, you have absolutely nothing to be ashamed of! And Bill will be measured with the measure he so cavalierly applied to others (Matthew 7:2). I'm glad to hear that you are moving on with your life. Godspeed on your journey, great things lie ahead.
KB, I am so very glad you are feeling free to articulate the pain you have kept inside for so long.
I thought this was interesting. Apparently, Bill Gothard gave an interview to Mother Jones magazine. I am very surprised he spoke to such a liberal publication. He praises the owners of Hobby Lobby, but I wonder if in an underhanded way he is throwing them under the bus. As a Christian but an outsider, I am wondering what you all think of the interview.
"I never imagined I would be accused of harassment, but it's been perceived as that, and that's why I've apologized."
More of the same. He is not really sorry, just sorry that his actions were "perceived" as harassment.
I'm disappointed in Hobby Lobby. They are very generous and give a lot to charity and to ministries. It is too bad that they have given so much to a ministry that is doing so much harm and that promotes false teachings. I hope that people are contacting them and letting them know of the harm that IBLP has done.
“I never imagined I would be accused of harassment, but it’s been perceived as that, and that’s why I’ve apologized.”
This is just idle speculation but it's interesting to me how similar that wording sounds to denials given by people who later confessed or were convicted. It may be 100% true that he never imagined he would be accused of it, but that does not mean he did not knowingly do it. Sometimes when you go back over denials, you realize that the person was making statements that were technically true and they were not out-and-out saying that they did not do it. And maybe that's over-parsing it, but the wording does jump out at me.
Following on that, "why I've apologized," judging from that comment, may be merely because people around him are so brain-dead they misperceived his well-intentioned actions. Baloney. Why he *needs* to apologize is because he has caused untold damage and suffering by exploiting people for his own benefit.
He appears to be trying to capitalize on the popular attention given to Hobby Lobby's recent court case. I have mentioned this before, but much of IBLPs success was based on the fear that conservative Christian families had about the erosion of societal morals. IBLP and others of the same ilk played upon those fears and claimed to be the antidote to the poison of pluralism and humanism. Much of the enthusiasm at those big conferences was generated by the feeling that we were not only not alone but also we were gaining in numbers and in power.
Gothard loved to share about how this mayor endorsed character teaching or that governor met with him. He knew it would make his followers feel as if they really did have the influence to stay the growth of secularism. IBLP was essentially a political organization. In associating himself with Hobby Lobby now, he is trying to create the illusion that he is still important to the fight for religious liberty. The fact that he chose to talk to Mother Jones shows that he is willing to do anything to stay in the spotlight.
Thank you for your response, Quiet One. Your explanation makes sense. For me, as a fairly liberal person, it made no sense for BG to attach himself to Hobby Lobby right now. I think you are right that he is desperate to stay current. The worst thing that can happen to a man like Bill Gothard is to fade into obscurity.
"I got away from it" (listening to Scripture). I wonder when he got away from it and whether IBLP will recall all his teachings published since that time.
A post on Homeschoolers Anonymous indicates that BG has been contacting people he's offended, asking for forgiveness. Well, sort of... Read on here: http://homeschoolersanonymous.wordpress.com/2014/07/07/everyone-is-forgiving-bill-gothards-bold-faced-lies/
I must add that "Sally" was very wise in the way she responded to BG!
The very fact that they would make the statement "he acted unChristlike" should disqualify him from ministry
[…] As I read the response something was glaringly missing. IBLP had earlier claimed they had “outside legal counsel” that would conduct a “thorough review process” but, did the “outside legal counsel,” David C. Gibbs Jr., interview the 37 women who had made their accusations by telling their stories on the Recovering Grace website? To our knowledge, none of them were contacted. This is a point which was also picked up and commented on by Recovering Grace in their Our Response to the IBLP Board Statement : […]