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Articles about how Bill Gothard mishandles the Bible to support his legalistic viewpoint.

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Stories and accounts of the destruction caused by the teachings of Bill Gothard.

Tag Archives: chain-of-command

Church Celebrities Who are Above Criticism: Bill Gothard

1 July 2015, 06:00



“He deprives the trusted ones of speech And takes away the discernment of the elders.” (Job 12:20) In a post put up a couple weeks ago, I recounted how, in the late sixties, my dad, Joe Bayly publicly criticized Bob Jones University. He did so in his monthly column in ETERNITY Magazine. It was also […]

IBYC Board Minutes 1977-1980

4 January 2015, 08:23



For readers interested in the corporate governance of the Institute in Basic Youth Conflicts (IBYC, now IBLP, Institute in Basic Life Principles) during the period leading up to and through the Scandal of 1980, the minutes from Board of Directors meetings are attached.  Some names have been redacted, including those of victims caught up in the […]

The Package: Bill Gothard and His Children

1 January 2015, 00:00



    Bill Gothard and His Children: The Unauthorized Short Biography   Image of envelope copyright: kchung / 123RF Stock Photo

The Package: Bill Gothard’s Knowledge of Sin

29 December 2014, 00:00



Suggested viewing from IBYC management for the publication staff, photographed on the sidewalk outside HQ. 1980

    Detailed Knowledge Summary Bill Gothard has denied publicly — for 34 years — that he ever had any knowledge of any details of immorality before April of 1980 (the first time that Tony asked to meet Bill privately with a report of what was being discovered). Gothard has made this denial to the […]

IBYC According to Bryen – 1975

27 December 2014, 00:00



In hindsight, David R. Bryen’s thesis is remarkably accurate on many counts.  Published in 1975 and titled “An Evaluation of the Theological, Hermeneutical and Psychological Assumptions of the Institute in Basic Youth Conflicts,” this 126-page document was an unprecedented analysis of Gothard’s teachings. Why was Bryen so well aware of the dangers of Bill Gothard’s teachings […]

The Package: History of Attempts to Confront Bill Gothard

12 December 2014, 08:00



  Click here to view the original outline of the tabbed and indexed materials included in the package, titled “Request by Bill Gothard for Truth and Reconciliation, 2013-2014.” The charges levelled against Bill Gothard in “the package,” along with supporting evidence, testimonies, and documentation, have been presented to Bill Gothard at least four times: 1. […]

The Package: The All Sufficiency of Jesus Christ

8 December 2014, 10:00



  The Preeminence of, the Exclusive Claims by, and the All Sufficiency of Jesus Christ A Call to Bill Gothard to Return to the Teachings of Jesus Christ and the Apostles Doctrine of Grace Alone through Faith Alone in the Promise and Provisions of God Alone.    Image copyright: kchung / 123RF Stock Photo

Bury My Umbrella at Wounded Knee

13 June 2014, 06:00



By Joel Crosby (1973) The Institute in Basic Youth Conflicts is an amazing phenomenon. It seems to run almost totally against the grain of our current culture. In an age of multi-media, strobe lights and fast-moving entertainment, Basic Youth Conflicts is thirty-five hours of straight lecture. Charisma, excitement and the spectacular dominate our society while […]

Issues of Concern—Bill Gothard and the Bible (1984)

2 September 2013, 05:00



A Report by Ronald B. Allen, Th.D. Professor of Hebrew Scripture Western Baptist Seminary, Portland, Oregon May 30, 1984 The week that I spent at Basic Youth Conflicts in 1973 (Portland) was one of the most difficult of my life. In this seminar I was regularly assaulted by a misuse of the Bible, particularly of […]

Fellow Fundamentalists Denounced Gothard’s “Chain of Command” (1974)

26 August 2013, 06:00



In the November 1974 issue of “The Projector,” a newsletter for Christian Fundamentalists, editor Dr. Dayton Hobbs challenged Bill Gothard’s “Chain of Command.” You can read the entire issue here: http://www.theprojector.org/projectors/nov1974.pdf As with most issues of “The Projector,” much attention is given to separation from non-fundamentalist influences. (Dr. Hobbs did not foresee how severely Gothard […]