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Tag Archives: itc

My ITC Prison Sentence, Part 2

15 September 2011, 06:15



The Indianapolis Training Center (ITC) was gearing up for Thanksgiving and none of us in the training programs were allowed to leave. It was only a four-day weekend, after all.  But this policy was causing serious morale issues. Especially since it wasn’t applied universally: the cosmetology instructor was one of those who was allowed to […]

My ITC Prison Sentence, Part 1

13 September 2011, 06:15



My Indianapolis Training Center (ITC) prison sentence started in 1996, when I was 18 years old. My parents had gotten to the end of their rope with me. I had been the family project, constantly in need of guidance and discipline, ever since our family joined ATI when I was ten. I desperately wanted to […]

The Prayer Closet: An Introduction

6 September 2011, 06:15



Prayer closet.  Few words from my time in the Advanced Training Institute (ATI) cause me to shudder the way those do.  I was on staff at the Indianapolis Training Center (ITC) in 1994 when the prayer closet was instituted.  For the uninitiated, ITC was housed in an old 13-story hotel, just north of downtown Indianapolis. […]

Disillusioned, Not Equipped, Part 2

1 September 2011, 06:15



I wanted out! I wanted to go home! I had lost hope and trust in leadership. When I brought them a problem they said it was somehow because of some sin I had committed, or one that my parents had committed. I was tired of the judgment. I prayed fervently that God would take my […]

Disillusioned, Not Equipped, part 1

30 August 2011, 06:15



photo courtesy of Ophelia Cherry

I was excited. Through the EQUIP program of the Advanced Training Institute (ATI), I was going to be used by God to reach one of the juvenile delinquent young women for Christ and help her improve her life. It would be someone who did not have the benefit of godly parents, as I did. Someone […]

You’ll Be Okay … Maybe

23 August 2011, 06:15



The following stories, told by former Advanced Training Institute (ATI) students on various online forums, are a small sampling of the many stories told by young people who became ill or sustained physical injuries while working at an ATI training center or at Institute in Basic Life Principles (IBLP) headquarters. These stories illustrate a common […]

A Parent’s Perspective – Sixteen Years in Bondage

22 August 2011, 06:00



Our journey into the Advanced Training Institute (ATI) began when my second child was about 6 months old. I remember quitting my job as a nurse to become a stay at home mom, and thinking that it was quite a sacrifice. Then, about two years later, my husband came to me and told me that […]

Muzzling the Ox

9 August 2011, 06:00



In many ways, I’ve been pretty lucky when it came to the whole Advanced Training Institute (ATI) experience. I always thought that the double standard that my parents had was weird: we could wear jeans on the farm or to work with my dad, but not to town or where anyone would see us. I […]

Finding Relationships, Not Rules

28 July 2011, 15:00



  I grew up in a family where both parents loved the Lord. They faithfully taught me God’s Word, providing me with every resource to grow spiritually.  At a young age I asked Jesus to come into my heart and take away my sin. I had a heart to serve God, but my desire to […]