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Articles about how Bill Gothard mishandles the Bible to support his legalistic viewpoint.

Personal testimonies of finding true freedom through God's matchless grace.

Living and thriving through the grace of God.

Stories and accounts of the destruction caused by the teachings of Bill Gothard.

Tag Archives: grace

The Chosen Few?

4 August 2011, 06:00



“You are the cream of the crop. The Marines on the front lines…” These were words we heard often working for Bill Gothard at the Institute in Basic Life Principles. Two months ago I made a comment to a friend that while I was sure of my salvation, I felt like I was no longer […]

Unredefining Grace

29 July 2011, 06:00



Clouds in the sky

God saved us by his grace (Eph 2:8-9). There is nothing that we did to earn his favor. Spiritually, we were dead! Salvation is a free gift that God freely chooses to give us out of his incredibly huge wealth of kindness. The apostle Paul was so consumed with thinking about God’s grace that he […]

When Tragedy Strikes

27 July 2011, 18:13



I got the call last Saturday. “Aaron passed away last night,” the friend on the other end told me. I was in shock. Aaron was basically my age, and he had a precious 3-year-old daughter and a young wife. He was on the worship team at my last church. We had played, chatted, and worked […]

My Tower Won’t Reach!

27 July 2011, 06:00



tower of good works

MY FAMILY JOINED THE ADVANCED TRAINING INSTITUTE (ATI) IN 1986 when I was 13 years old. Drinking in the false definition of grace brought me to the belief that to maintain favor with God, I needed to live by a particular set of “standards.”  As with many other Institute in Basic Life Principles (IBLP) teachings, […]

Children Leading Children

24 July 2011, 20:00



Sometimes I wonder if those who were in charge at the various training centers really thought about what they were doing when they put young people “in charge” of other young people. I know that age does not always matter when it comes to authority and respect, but it can sometimes be very important. There […]

Escaping the Religious Noose, Part 2: Grace Redefined

19 July 2011, 08:00



[Editor’s note: This is Part 2 of a four-part series. Click here for Part 1, Part 3, or Part 4] I will never forget the first time I heard Mr. Gothard teach that “unmerited favor” is a faulty definition of grace. His first step in redefining grace was to look up the New Testament word “graciousness” […]

An Open Letter from Bill Gothard’s First Generation to Basic Seminar Attendees

16 July 2011, 08:00



Dear Basic Seminar Attendee, The person who handed you this letter tonight cares about you. They care enough that they took time to bring it to you because they believe in the message and want you to understand before it is too late. This person is someone who grew up in a household influenced by […]

My Childhood in ATI, Part 3

15 July 2011, 08:00



TRANSFORMATION God really began to do a miracle in our family when I was around 18 years old. Somehow through all of this indoctrination, I began to ask questions. Something about what I was experiencing didn’t line up with what I was seeing and reading in God’s Word. Gothard defined grace as “the desire and […]